E-Resources Tracking: CDL Licensed Electronic Resources (February 14, 2025)
PLEASE NOTE: This page reflects CDL/Shared Cataloging Program information prior to the systemwide migration to Alma. The cataloging frequencies and participant info may not be current, though the page retains value for title hooks and other historical details. For more up-to-date information on CDL/SCP electronic collections, please see the monthly reports in this folder: https://cdlib.org/contact/cdl-document-request?document-link=https://ucofficeofthepresident.sharepoint.com/sites/cdl/collections/lcg/StatisticsUC/SCP%20Reports (UC login is required). Can also contact the CDL helpline or SCP staff with questions.
Package-level cataloging details for California Digital Library electronic resources.
Package-level cataloging details for UC San Diego electronic resources
E-Resources Tracking: Locally Licensed Electronic Resources
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
A&Aeportal Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z A&Aeportal Art and Architecture ePortal |
All campuses |
Title hook: A&AePortal online monographs https://www.aaeportal.com/home Collection ID: 61464838700006531 |
Parser parameter url from CZ |
AAAS Science Journals Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Science AAAS. |
Title hooks:
930 0_ Science AAAS online journals 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Science AAAS online journals |
Academic search complete
(See: Ebsco academic search complete)
(See: Association for Computing Machinery)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
ACS Symposium Series Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z ACS. |
2018- : UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, and UCSD 2014-2017 : UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSC, and UCSD 2010-2013: All campuses Archive, 1950-2009: All campuses
Title hook: 930 0_ ACS Symposium series online monographs |
DOI https://doi.org/10.1021/bk-1976-0035 |
Adam Matthew Digital Cataloging completed $z Adam Matthew Digital. ERMS: Adam Matthew Digital |
All campuses
Whole content licensed for following databases: 930 0_ Adam Matthew Digital. Empire online monographs 930 0_ Adam Matthew Digital. Everyday life & women in America online monographs |
African American Newspapers, Series 1 & 2 (via Readex/Newsbank) Cataloging completed Collections: African American Newspapers, Series 1, 1827-1998 Readex. AAN series 1 African American Newspapers, Series 2, 1835-1956 Readex. AAN series 2 |
Series 1 UCD, UCI, UCR, and UCSC Series 2 UCB, UCD, UCI, UCM, UCR, UCSB, and UCSC |
Whole content licensed Series 1 https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/readex/?p=EANAAA 930 0_Newsbank/Readex online newspapers. African American newspapers series 1, 1827-1998 Series 2 https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/readex/?p=EANAAA2 930 0_Newsbank/Readex online newspapers. African American newspapers series 2, 1835-1956 |
Native URL Series 1 https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/readex/publication-browse?p=EANAAA&t=pubname%3A12B76324B2E5D4B8 Series 2 https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/readex/publication-browse?p=EANAAA2&t=pubname%3A15854552C7B0A217 |
African writers series (via Chadwyck-Healey) Cataloging completed $z African writers series ERMS: African Writers Series |
All campuses
Title hook: . |
Airiti Books (華藝中文電子書) Cataloging ongoing: PDA monographs updated quarterly; purchased monographs updated annually $z Airiti. ERMS: AiritiBooks |
Airiti Books homepage Starting Nov. 2018, DDA records have been added to OCLC through its Data Sync Services and returned with an OCLC number. The records have been distributed with regular SCP files instead of a special file for vendor DDA records without an OCLC number in the previous years. A 936 field identifies the package name and the year and month the records were loaded. Whenever a title is purchased, the corresponding record may be updated and/or merged to a better record for redistribution and deletion if needed Title hook for brief DDA records: Title hook for OCLC records of purchased titles: |
PID Native URL syntax: Sample native URL: |
Unless otherwise noted cataloging is ongoing: updated as notified by vendor $z 60 minutes via Alexander Street Press. $z American Civil War letters and diaries via Alexander Street Press. Cataloging completed (2011) $z American music via Alexander Street Press. $z Asian American drama via Alexander Street press. $z Black drama via Alexander Street Press. $z Classical music library via Alexander Street Press. $z Contemporary world music via Alexander Street Press $z Early encounters in North America via Alexander Street Press. $z Jazz music library via Alexander Street Press. $z Latin American women writers via Alexander Street Press. $z Latino literature via Alexander Street Press. $z North American Indian drama via Alexander Street Press. $z North American theatre online via Alexander Street Press. $z North American women’s drama via Alexander Street Press. $z North American women’s letters and diaries via Alexander Street Press. $z Scottish women poets of the Romantic period via Alexander Street Press. $z Sixties via Alexander Street Press. $z Smithsonian global sound via Alexander Street Press. $z Theatre in video via Alexander Street Press. $z Twentieth century North American drama via Alexander Street Press $z Women and social movements via Alexander Street Press. |
Participants vary – see individual collections 60 minutes: 1997-2014 (All campuses) American Civil War: Letters and Diaries (All campuses) American music (UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD) Asian American Drama (All campuses) Black Drama (Second Edition) (All campuses) Classical music library (UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD) Contemporary world music (UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD) Early Encounters in North America (All campuses) Harper’s Weekly 1857-1912 (All campuses) Jazz music library (UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD) Latin American Women Writers (UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD) Latino Literature: Poetry, Drama, and Fiction (All campuses) North American Indian Drama (All campuses) North American Theatre Online (All campuses) North American Women’s Drama (All campuses) North American Women’s Letters and Diaries (All campuses) Scottish Women Poets of the Romantic Period (All campuses) Sixties (UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD) Smithsonian global sound (UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD) Theatre in video (All campuses) Twentieth Century North American Drama (All campuses) Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 (All campuses) Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 (scholar’s edition) (All campuses) |
Title hooks: 930 0_ CDL licensed databases. Alexander Street Press 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. 60 minutes: 1997-2014 online videos 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. American Civil War letters and diaries online monographs 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. American music online audio. 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. Asian American drama online monographs 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. Black drama, 1850 to present online monographs 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. Classical music library online audio 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. Contemporary world music online audio 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. Early encounters in North America online monographs 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. Jazz music library online audio 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. Latin American women writers online monographs 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. Latino literature online monographs 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. North American Indian drama online monographs 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. North American theatre online monographs 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. North American women’s drama online monographs 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. North American women’s letters and diaries online monographs 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. Scottish women poets of the Romantic period online monographs 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. Sixties online journals 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. Sixties online monographs 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. Smithsonian global sound online audio 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. Theatre in video online video 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. Twentieth century North American drama online monographs 930 0_ Alexander Street Press. Women and social movements in the United States online monographs |
Native URL (as of April 2018, the ‘aspresolver’ URL is to be considered a persistent link and will negate the need to create PIDs for these collections going forward) PID (up to April 2018)URL construction: Find play, click on “Bibliographic details” to get PL number. Append PL number to the end of the URL syntaxes below: http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?CWLD;S[number] http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?AADR;PL[number] http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?AMSO;383319 http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?BLDR;PL[number] http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?JAZZ;number] http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?LAFI;[number] http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?WODR;PL[number] http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?SWRP;PL[number] http://asp6new.alexanderstreet.com/sixt/sixt.object.details.aspx?id=[number]&browseurl=AHP http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?WASM;PL[number] http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?WASS;PL[number] |
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) (via HighWire Press) Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z AACR via HighWire. Current [x] months restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSB, UCSC, UCSD, and UCSF; all other issues freely available. (For other 856 $z note variations, see: HighWire) ERMS: American Association for Cancer Research |
Title list here Title hooks: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. American Association for Cancer Research online journals |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
American Chemical Society Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z ACS. ERMS: American Chemical Society Legacy Archives American Chemical Society Single Title Subscriptions American Chemical Society Web Editions |
All campuses
Select titles licensed. Complete journal list Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: |
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Cataloging ongoing: journals updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions, monographs updated quarterly $z AGU. Restricted to UC campuses. Access limited to 2 simultaneous users. Try again later if refused $z AGU. Restricted to UC campuses. Current 5 years limited to 2 simultaneous users. Try again later if refused Journal of geophysical research (JGR) all sections: Monographs: ERMS: American Geophysical Union |
All campuses
[NOTE: UCB has 9 users for JGR and 6 users for Geophysical Research Letters. UCLA has 4 users for Geophysical Research Letters. UCSD has unlimited users for JGR and Geophysical Research Letters, and 3 users for Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems]. Use $z wording at left regardless of above info |
Complete journal list Title hooks: 930 0_ American Geophysical Union online monographs |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: URL construction: Go to journal list, click on journal, copy URL in browser. Sample URL: http://www.agu.org/journals/gl/ DOI (for monographs) |
American Heart Association journals online (via HighWire Press) Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z American Heart Association via HighWire. |
All campuses (open access content only)
American Heart Association website Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
American Institute of Physics (AIP) Cataloging ongoing: journals updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions, conference proceedings updated bi-monthly $z AIP. ERMS: AIP conference proceedings American Institute of Physics (AIP) Publications |
All campuses
Select titles licensed (this applies to AIP published titles as well as Society titles on AIP’s Scitation platform) Complete journal list Complete conference proceedings list Title hook: Title hooks for AIP journals only: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. American Institute of Physics online journals |
SFX OpenURL / BibPURL (for open access) Syntax: Sample URL: (journal) PID (for conference proceedings) |
American Institute of Physics (AIP Books) Cataloging ongoing, updated quarterly or as notified by CDL Acquisitions AIP Books Collection |
Alma: AIP Books Collection 2 (we may purchase other collections in the future) Title list: https://publishing.aip.org/publications/books/view-the-collection/#collection2 Title hook: 930 0_ American Institute of Physics (AIP) online monographs |
Sample DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/9780735423190
American Mathematical Society Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z American Mathematical Society. ERMS: American Mathematical Society Publications |
All campuses
Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL / PID Syntax: URL construction: Go to AMS homepage, search for journal, click on it and copy the URL in browser. Sample URL: |
American Meteorological Society Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z American Meteorological Society. ERMS: American Meteorological Society |
All campuses
Any AMS journal volume older than two years is free and open to all Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: URL construction: Sample URL: |
American Periodical Series (APS) Cataloging completed $z APS. ERMS: |
All campuses
Title hook for individual titles: 930 0_ American Periodicals series online journals |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: http://search.proquest.com/publication/[pub. no.]/ |
American Physical Society (APS) Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z American Physical Society. ERMS: PROLA – Physical Review Online Archive |
All campuses
Title hook: 930 0_ PROLA (Physical Review Online Archive) 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. American Physical Society online journals Open access titles may be double posted with: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: URL construction: Sample URL: |
American Physiological Society Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z American Physiological Society via HighWire. Example of a complex note: ERMS: American Physiological Society Legacy Journals |
All campuses (open access content and archives only) Current content by local license only.
Title hooks: 930 0_ American Physiological Society online journals 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. American Physiological Society online journals |
BibPURL URL construction: Sample URL: |
American Society for Nutrition Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z American Society for Nutrition via Oxford. |
UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, and UCSF (open access: all campuses)
Title hooks: 930 0 Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. American Society for Nutrition online journals Open access titles may be double posted with: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) Technical Library ASAE changed its name to American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (see ASABE) |
All campuses UC has access to: |
ASAE Technical Library website Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: |
America’s historical newspapers (via Readex/Newsbank) Cataloging complete (2007) $z Readex. EAN series 1. Restricted to UC campuses $z Readex. EAN series 2. Restricted to UC campuses |
All campuses (Early American newspapers series 1, 1690-1876) (Early American newspapers series 2, 1758-1900) (California’s Historical newspapers; Hispanic American newspapers, 1808-1980; and, Latin American newspapers may be locally licensed) |
Search database Title hooks: 930 0_ Newsbank/Readex online newspapers. Early American newspapers series 2, 1758-1900 |
PID (NOTE: no target in SFX) Sample URL: |
Annual Reviews Cataloging ongoing; updated irregularly $z Annual Reviews. ERMS: Annual Reviews |
All campuses
Title hook: |
SFX Open URL Sample URL: |
AnthroSource Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z AnthroSource. |
Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: |
Apabi Digital Library Cataloging ongoing: ebooks updated bimonthly; newspapers, & reference works updated irregularly; yearbooks updated irregularly (For cataloging purposes, access at UCSD is limited to certain IP addresses at Metadata Services) $z Apabi. Restricted to UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD |
Select titles licensed from sub-databases: E-book, Newspapers, Yearbook, and Reference Title hooks: 930 0_ Apabi online journals. Ebooks 930 0_ Apabi online journals. Newspapers 930 0_ Apabi online journals. Reference works 930 0_ Apabi online journals. Yearbooks 930 0_ Apabi online monographs. Ebooks 930 0_ Apabi online monographs. Reference works 930 0_ Apabi online monographs. Yearbooks |
PID Sample native URLs: http://www.apabi.com/uc/?pid=newspaper.page&paperid=n.D110000bjrb&wd=&cult=CN http://reference.apabi.com/uc/book.aspx?bi=m%2E20061012-m007-w007-005 http://annual.apabi.com/uc/ybsearch/ybtext.aspx?FileID=ys.00050000000000000000&fromchcon=true |
Archives of Sexuality & Gender Cataloging ongoing $z Archives of Sexuality & Gender via Gale. ERMS: Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Part II; Archives of Sexuality & Gender: Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Centuries |
All campuses
930 0_ Gale. Archives of Sexuality & Gender online monographs |
PID Sample URL: |
Art source (via EBSCO)
(See: EBSCO. Art source)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
ASABE Technical Library Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly Alma Collection: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Collection ID: 61403086070006531 |
All campuses
Whole content licensed.
Title hooks: 930 0_ ASABE online monographs |
Native URL Sample URL: https://elibrary.asabe.org/toc_landing.asp?conf=aeaj |
Asami Collection
Cataloging: One-time (e.g., finite collection) |
Open access (all or partial) |
https://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/search?&cc=Asami+Collection Title hook: 930 0_Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Asami collection online monographs |
Native URL Sample URL (using Internet Archive URL): https://archive.org/details/agwonkosakwichon008800 Note from Erica Zhang at UCB 1/5/2022: these titles are available both on Internet Archive as well as through Berkeley’s Digital Collections website (discovered after we had put all Internet Archive URLs in the records). Have decided to move forward with the Internet Archive URLs as our access points for this collection for now. |
ASCE Library $z ASCE. Cataloging ongoing; journals updated irregularly, all others quarterly |
Monographs/E-books: (2024): UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, and UCSD (2019-2023): UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, and UCSD
Conferences/Proceedings:(2000-): UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, and UCSD
Standards: (2022- ): UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, and UCSD
Title hooks: 930 0_ ASCE Library online monographs 930 0_ ASCE Library online conference proceedings 930 0_ ASCE Library online standards |
DOI / PID Sample URLs: |
ASM International (The Materials Information Society) Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly (journals) (monographs) ERMS: ASM Handbooks Online |
Journals: all campuses Monographs: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD |
https://dl.asminternational.org/handbooks/pages/Handbooks_by_Volume Title hooks: 930 0_ ASM International online monographs |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Use OpenURL for journals: |
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Cataloging ongoing: journals updated annually; proceedings and monographs updated quarterly $z ASME. |
Journals (2000- ): UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, and UCSD Journals Archives (1960-1999): UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, and UCSD Proceedings: (2024-): UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD (2008-2023): UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, and UCSD Proceedings Archives (2002-2007): UCD, UCI, UCLA, and UCR Monographs: (2023- ): UCB, UCI, UCLA, and UCM |
Digital Collection home page Title hooks: 930 0_ ASME Digital Collection online journals. Archive 930 0_ ASME Digital Collection online conference proceedings 930 0_ ASME Digital Collection online conference proceedings. Archive 930 0_ ASME Digital Collection online monographs |
PID / DOI Sample URLs: http://proceedings.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/volume.aspx?volumeid=16276 |
Association for Computing Machinery Digital Library (ACM) Cataloging ongoing: journals updated annually, conference proceedings and monographs updated quarterly. $z ACM. ERMS: |
Journals: all campuses Proceedings: all campuses Monographs: |
Title hooks: 930 0_ ACM Digital Library online conference proceedings 930 0_ ACM Digital Library online monographs. Collection I 930 0_ ACM Digital Library online monographs. Collection II |
SFX OpenURL (ejournals) Syntax: DOI PID/DOI (proceedings/emonographs) |
ASTM Standards and Digital Engineering Library Cataloging ongoing: journals updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions, monographs updated quarterly $z ASTM. |
Access to Special Technical Publications (STP) and Manuals (MNL) Title hooks: 930 0_ ASTM online monographs |
Sample URLs: https://doi.org/10.1520/STP954-EB http://www.astm.org/DIGITAL%5FLIBRARY/MNL/SOURCE%5FPAGES/DS60.htm |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Berlin studies of the ancient world Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly
All campuses (open access) |
Edition Topoi website: https://edition-topoi.org/books/ Title hook: 930 0_Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Berlin studies of the ancient world online monographs |
Native url Syntax: https://edition-topoi.org/book/[series no.-title words separated by dashes] Sample URL: https://edition-topoi.org/book/1605-thrace-local-coinage-regional-identity |
Bentham Open Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Bentham. |
All campuses (open access titles, part of DOAJ) |
Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource selected by the UC Libraries. Bentham online journals |
URL contruction: |
Bentham Science Publishers Cataloging completed (2009) $z Bentham via IngentaConnect ERMS: Bentham journals |
UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, and UCSF | Title hook: 930 0_ Bentham Science Publishers online journals |
Berg Fashion Library Cataloging ongoing; updated semi-annually $z Berg Fashion Library. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD. Limited simultaneous user access. Try again later if refused ERMS: Berg Fashion Library |
Title hook: |
DOI Sample URL: |
Berkeley Electronic Press (ResearchNow)(See: De Gruyter (Bepress)) |
Bibliothek deutscher Klassiker
See: Digitale Bibliothek deutscher Klassiker (via Chadwyck)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Biodiversity Heritage Library Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Biodiversity Heritage Library |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Biodiversity Heritage Library online monographs
DOI Sample URL: |
Bioline International Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Bioline. |
All campuses (open access titles only that are part of DOAJ; includes their related titles) |
Title hooks: and, if applicable: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. DOAJ online journals |
URL construction: Sample URL: |
BioMed Central Cataloging ongoing: journals updated irregularly $z BioMed Central. ERMS: BioMedCentral |
All campuses (open access titles only, part of DOAJ) |
Complete journal list Title hooks (use both): |
URL construction: Create a BibPURL here |
BioOne Complete Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z BioOne. ERMS: |
Whole content licensed for BioOne 1 and BioOne 2 (BioOne Complete) Complete journal list Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: URL construction: Sample URL: |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Black Studies Center (Chadwyck-Healey) Cataloging ongoing: updated annually $3 Selected articles text for … ERMS: Black studies center |
All campuses
Title hook (journals): Title hook (databases): |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: |
Blackwell Science/ Munksgaard via Synergy
(See: Blackwell-Synergy)
NOTE: Blackwell Science merged with Blackwell Publishers to form Blackwell-Synergy in 2003.
Blackwell Publishers
(See: Blackwell-Synergy)
NOTE: Blackwell Publishers merged with Blackwell Science to form Blackwell-Synergy in 2003.
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Blackwell-Synergy (via Wiley) Cataloging ongoing; subscription journals updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions. Open access journals updated irregularly (As of July 2008, Blackwell-Synergy merged with Wiley. In April 2010, became Wiley-Blackwell) $z Blackwell-Synergy via Wiley. For partial open access titles: CDL licensed and open access content: $z Blackwell-Synergy via Wiley. Current 12 months restricted to UC campuses; all other issues freely available. CDL open access only with moving wall: $z Blackwell-Synergy via Wiley. Current 12 months may not be available at your campus; all other issues freely available. Local example for open access only with moving wall: ERMS: Blackwell-Synergy Backfiles |
All campuses UCSD (select titles, usually ones that were dropped by CDL) “Current content” is 1997- All earlier content is considered part of the “legacy archives.” |
Blackwell-Synergy online journal list Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Wiley online journals
SFX OpenURL Syntax: URL construction: Sample URL: |
Blackwell-Synergy (via Wiley) serial analytics Cataloging ongoing: updated annually $z Blackwell-Synergy via Wiley. |
All campuses
“Current content” is 1997- Title hooks: 930 0_ Blackwell-Synergy online journals. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences online monographs |
PIDs (for emonographs) OpenURL construction: Sample URL: |
Brill Online Reference Works open access Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly Collection name & ID: Brill Online Reference Works open access (Local-OA) 61561866610006531 |
All campuses (open access) |
Home page: https://referenceworks.brill.com Title hooks: Databases: 930 0_CDL open access databases. Brill Online Reference Works
Native URL Sample URL: https://referenceworks.brill.com/coco |
British Medical Journal (BMJ) Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions (except BMJ, which is Tier 1) $z BMJ via HighWire. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, and UCSF ERMS: BMJ journals |
Complete journal list Title hooks: 930 0_ BMJ specialist online journals 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. BMJ specialist online journals |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
Burney Collection Newspapers Cataloging complete (2012) $z Burney Collection via Gale. (See: Gale) |
All campuses
Title hooks: 930 0_ Gale. 17th-18th century Burney Collection online monographs 930 0_ Gale. 17th-18th century Burney Collection online newspapers |
Vendor-provided URL Sample URL: |
Business Expert Press Cataloging ongoing; updated monthly $z Business Expert Press via IG Library. |
IG Library home page Title hook: |
PID Sample URL: |
(See: University of California Press online journals)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
California documents Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly
All campuses (open access) |
Title hooks: Serials: Analyzed Serials: Monographs: Databases: (Do not double post with 930 0_ CDL open access databases!) |
Cambridge University Press Cataloging ongoing: journals updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions; monographs updated monthly $z Cambridge. ERMS: Cambridge Books Digital Archives Cambridge Journals Online |
All campuses (see exception below) Exception for monographs 2022-: Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD
For licensed titles, search library OPAC. Complete journal list, monograph title lists Title hooks 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Cambridge online journals Monographs: (As of 2024 using the CZ collection for these without 930 title hooks) 930 0_ Cambridge online monographs 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Cambridge online monographs |
SFX OpenURL / DOI Syntax: URL construction: Sample URL: DOI for monographs: |
Casalini Libri Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Casalini. |
All campuses (open access) |
Series: Letture magistrali in biblioteconomica Title hook: |
BibPURL Sample URL: |
CELAG (Centro Estrategico Latinoamericano de Geopolitica) Cataloging ongoing: updated annually $z CELAG. |
All campuses
Title hooks: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. CELAG online monographs |
BibPURL Sample URL (journal): Sample URL (monograph): |
Century journals project (CJP) Cataloging ongoing: updated annually $z Century journals project via East View. Restricted to UC campuses. |
All campuses
Licensed series: F, G, H, and J Title list available here The content of each title is mounted on the same journal portal with the same URL as its current content in CAJ. Title hook: 930 0_ Century journals project phase 1. $n Series [letter] Sample title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: URL construction: Sample URL: |
See individual packages (930s are established directly under package names):
- African writer series
- American periodicals series
- Black studies center online resources
- Digitale Bibliothek deutscher Klassiker
- Early English Books Online
- Gerritsen Collection
- House of Commons Parliamentary papers (Parly Papers)
- IIMP full text online journals
- IIPAFT full text online journals
- International index to black periodicals online journals
- Literature online
- Periodicals archive online journals
- ProQuest Information and Learning Company online newspapers
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
China 2020 National Census Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly Alma Collection and ID: China 2020 National Census (Local-L) 61559222580006531 (Note: for 2010 census see entry below for Sixth national population census of China database) |
All campuses |
Home page: https://npcd.oversea.cnki.net/en Title hook: National population census of China (2020) online monographs |
Native URL URL sample: https://npcd.oversea.cnki.net/chn/censusData/single?nav=&code=N2021100082&pykm=YDQRK |
China academic journals (CAJ) (中国期刊全文数据库) Cataloging ongoing: updated semi-annually $z China academic journals via East View. Restricted to UCB, UCD (through 2002), UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, UCSD, and UCSF or $z China academic journals via East View. Restricted to UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, UCSD, and UCSF ERMS: China Academic Journals – Education/Social Sciences (Series H) – Chinese China Academic Journals – Literature/History/Philosophy (Series F) – Chinese China Academic Journals – Politics/Military Affairs/Law (Series G) – Chinese |
Licensed series: F, G, H, and J Title lists for specific series available here Title hook: Sample title hook: 930 0_ China academic journals. $n Series G 930 0_ China academic journals. $n Series H 930 0_ China academic journals. $n Series J |
PID Native URL construction: Sample native URL: |
China and the Modern World: Missionary, Sinology, & Literary Periodicals (1817-1949) (Local-L) Collection ID: 61499345770006531 Cataloging finite; one-time purchase |
All campuses |
Licensed (all content) Home page: https://go.gale.com/ps/aboutThisCollection?userGroupName=ucsandiego&inPS=true&mCode=2YFW&prodId=CFER Title hook: 930 0_ China and the modern world online journals
Native url https://link.gale.com/apps/pub/2YGG/CFER?&sid=bookmark-CFER (Note that &u=ucsandiego is added after CFER? once displayed. This changes with each campus
China online journals (COJ) (万方数据. 期刊) Cataloging ongoing: updated annually $z China online journals via Wanfang Data. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, and UCSD ERMS: China Online Journals – Business & Economics China Online Journals – Law, Politics & Government China Online Journals – Social Sciences China Online Journals (COJ) |
Licensed sub-databases: Arts, humanities, & education; Social sciences; Business, economics, & finance; and Laws, politics, & philosophy. Title hooks: 930 0_ China online journals. Art & humanities (Transitioning to new title hook: China online journals. Arts, humanities, & education.) 930 0_ China online journals. Arts, humanities, & education 930 0_ China online journals. Social sciences 930 0_ China online journals. Business & economics (Transitioning to new title hook: China online journals. Business, economics, & finance) 930 0_ China online journals. Business, economics, & finance 930 0_ China online journals. Law & politics (Transitioning to new title hook: China online journals. Laws, politics, & philosophy.) 930 0_ China online journals. Laws, politics, & philosophy |
PID Native URL construction: Sample native URL: http://c.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical-zhonguoyy.aspx |
China statistical yearbooks database
Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly Alma collection ID: 61559222560006531 |
All campuses |
Home page: https://data.oversea.cnki.net/yearBook/ Title hooks: 930 0_ China statistical yearbooks online journals 930 0_ China statistical yearbooks online monographs |
Native URL Sample URL: https://data.oversea.cnki.net/yearBook/single?id=N2024030103 |
Chinamaxx digital libraries Cataloging ongoing: journals updated irregularly, phase 1 journals and Wen shi zi liao journals updated irregularly; monographs updated irregularly, phase 1 monographs updated bimonthly $z Chinamaxx via Superstar. |
Chinamaxx homepage Select titles licensed Since March 2013, the titles previously purchased by UCSD and UCSB have been made available to other five participating campuses. The cataloged titles under this category can be identified by the title hooks with the wording “phase 1.” Title hooks: 930 0_ Superstar. Chinamaxx online journals. Di fang zhi 930 0_ Superstar. Chinamaxx online journals. Wen shi zi liao 930 0_ Superstar. Chinamaxx online journals phase 1. Di fang zhi 930 0_ Superstar. Chinamaxx online journals phase 1. Wen shi zi liao Monographs: 930 0_ Superstar. Chinamaxx online monographs. Di fang zhi 930 0_ Superstar. Chinamaxx online monographs. Wen shi zi liao 930 0_ Superstar. Chinamaxx online monographs phase 1. Di fang zhi 930 0_ Superstar. Chinamaxx online monographs phase 1. Wen shi zi liao
PID Sample native URL: |
Chinese classic ancient books (中國基本古籍庫) $z Erudition. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, and UCSD. Limited to one user at a time. simultaneous user access. Try again later if refused. Click “login” to access titles and click “EXIT” on Login page when finished NOTE: These Series are being cataloged using the electronic record, not the print record. |
Title hooks: 930 0_ Chinese classic ancient books online monographs |
PID Use one PID for all: http://uclibs.org/PID/276098 |
Chinese periodical full-text database (1911-1949) (民国时期期刊全文数据库 (1911-1949)) Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z Chinese periodical full-text database via CNBKSY. Restricted to UCI, UCLA, UCSB, and UCSD. Limited simultaneous user access. Try again later if refused ERMS: Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (1911-1949) NOTE: These Series are being cataloged using the electronic record, not the print record. |
Title hooks (journals): 930 0_ Chinese periodical full-text database (1911-1949) online journals. $n Series 2 930 0_ Chinese periodical full-text database (1911-1949) online journals. $n Series 3 930 0_ Chinese periodical full-text database (1911-1949) online journals. $n Series 4 930 0_ Chinese periodical full-text database (1911-1949) online journals. $n Series 5 930 0_ Chinese periodical full-text database (1911-1949) online journals. $n Series 6 930 0_ Chinese periodical full-text database (1911-1949) online journals. $n Series 7 930 0_ Chinese periodical full-text database (1911-1949) online journals. $n Series 8 930 0_ Chinese periodical full-text database (1911-1949) online journals. $n Series 9 930 0_ Chinese periodical full-text database (1911-1949) online journals. $n Series 10 930 0_ Chinese periodical full-text database (1911-1949) online journals. $n Series 11 Title hook (monographs): |
PID Sample URL: |
CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online) Cataloging ongoing: journals updated annually ERMS: Columbia International Affairs Online Journals |
Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax:
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
CLOCKSS Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z CLOCKSS. |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: |
PID Permanent URL |
CNPe-Reading (易阅通) Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z CNPeReading. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD. Access limited to 2 simultaneous users. Try again later if refused |
Title hooks: Pre-purchase:
Purchased: |
PID Sample native URL: |
Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z MIT via CogNet. Restricted to UC campuses. (This license should not be confused with the MIT Press license which is independent of the CogNet license) |
All campuses
Only titles (books, reference works, and journals) published by MIT Press are licensed for full text access. All other publishers–abstracts only. For a complete list of all content we are entitled to, including book lists, click here Title hook: Whole content licensed for MIT Press CogSci Book Collection Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL (ejournals) Syntax: PID (emonographs) URL construction: Sample URL: |
Colección literaria (Mexicali, Mexico)
Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly Alma Collection: Colección literaria (Local-OA) Collection ID: 61557843210006531 |
All campuses (open access) |
http://www.icbc.gob.mx/Secciones/Coleccion Title hook: 930 0_Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Coleccion literaria (Mexicali, Mexico) online monographs |
Native URL Sampule URL: http://www.bajacalifornia.gob.mx/Documentos/icbc/libros/Autores/19-Lunada-en-Costa-Baja/AutBC-lunadacostabaja-final.pdf
Collection SMF: Séminaires et congrès Cataloging complete (2014) $z SMF |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Séminaires et congrès |
Sample URLs: |
Company of Biologists (via HighWire Press) Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z Company of Biologists via HighWire. ERMS: Company of Biologists |
All campuses
(Three titles licensed) Title hooks: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Company of Biologists online journals |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Copernicus Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Copernicus
All campuses (open access titles only that are part of DOAJ; includes their related titles) |
List of open access titles Title hooks: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. DOAJ online journals |
Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Core Historical Literature of Agriculture. |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: |
Cornell University Press Cataloging ongoing: updated semi-annually $z Cornell University Press via Project MUSE |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: |
CRC Press Cataloging ongoing: journals complete, databases updated irregularly, monographs updated monthly for current year As of 2017: (CRC journals have transferred to Taylor & Francis; titles remaining with 930 0_ CRC Press. [netbase] online journals are sequentially issued monographs cataloged as serials; (no longer cataloging this way as a rule) Pre-2017 titles are cataloged by netbase (with a couple of exceptions): $z […]netBASE. |
Mostly all campuses, with exceptions:
Past exceptions: BIOMEDICALSCIENCEnetBASE 2014 (UCD, UCI, UCR, and UCSD) BIOMEDICALSCIENCEnetBASE 2015-2016 (all campuses) ENGnetBASE DDA 2014 (UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSC, UCSD, and UCSF) ENGnetBASE DDA 2015-2016 (UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSC, and UCSD) CRCnetBASE online monographs 2021-2023 (UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD) |
Select databases licensed Serials: Databases: Monographs 2021-2023 see collection: Taylor & Francis eBooks (STMnetbase/CRC Press) 2021-2023 (Taylor & Francis eBooks Complete) Monographs: 2017-?. license (includes all netbases except CHEMnetbase which is a separate Tier 1 subscription) CRC Press. CRCnetBASE online monographs (for all campuses) If future DDA purchases occur, use this 930 as a model: 2013-2016 licenses: CRC Press. BIOMEDICALSCIENCEnetBASE online monographs 2014 CRC Press. BIOMEDICALSCIENCEnetBASE online monographs 2015-2016 CRC Press. ENGnetBASE online monographs DDA 2013 (for all campuses) CRC Press. ENGnetBASE online monographs DDA 2014 (for: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSC, UCSD, and UCSF) CRC Press. ENGnetBASE online monographs DDA 2015 CRC Press. ENGnetBASE online monographs DDA 2016 CRC Press. ENVIROnetBASE online monographs 2013-2016 (for all campuses) Includes the following subsets:
CRC Press. MATHnetBASE online monographs 2013-2016 (for all campuses) CRC Press. STATSnetBASE online monographs 2013-2016 (for all campuses) Pre 2013 license: CRC Press. ENGnetBASE online monographs Includes the following subsets:
CRC Press. TELECOMMUNICATIONSnetBASE online monographs CRC Press. ENVIROnetBASE online monographs Includes the following subsets:
CRC Press. FOODnetBASE online monographs CRC Press. FORENSICnetBASE/LAWENFORCEMENTnetBASE online monographs CRC Press. InfoSECURITYnetBASE online monographs CRC Press. ITECHnetBASE online monographs. CRC Press. ITKnowledgeBASE online monographs. CRC Press. MATHnetBASE online monographs. CRC Press. NEUROSCIENCEnetBASE online monographs. CRC Press. STATSnetBASE online monographs. For content hosted on the Merritt Platform (older content removed from CRC or we’d lost access): CRC Press. CDL-hosted online monographs For other older (negotiated) content still hosted at CRC site CRC Press. Legacy online journals
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1201/[permalink#] or if doi not available: http://www.crcnetbase.com/doi/book/[permalink#] PID: use if problem with doi URL construction: Sample URL: |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Dacheng old periodical full-text database (大成老旧刊全文数据库) Cataloging ongoing: journals and monographs updated semi-annually $z Dacheng. ERMS: 大成老旧刊全文数据库 (Dacheng Laojiukan Quanwen Shujuku) |
All campuses
Dacheng homepage Brief records for all the 6,970 titles in the database can be searched by the individual title as well as by the title hook on local OPACs except for UCM. These records have no OCLC number, but instead, a SCP assigned record number, e.g. DC7038662, in MARC field 001. When a title is cataloged, the full-level record with an OCLC number will be distributed as a “NEW” record via the regular SCP workflow. The corresponding brief record will be also redistributed with a deletion note imbedded in field 599. Title hook: 930 0_ Dacheng online monographs |
PID URL syntax: Sample URL: |
Databases (all) Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly For Mobile optimized resources use: |
Campuses vary
Use only for integrating resources (i.e., records coded FF: BLvl: i). Title hooks: 930 0_ CDL licensed databases, Chinese language NOTE: qualify 930s with names for specific packages (Mobile optimized services, CRC Press, &c) if applicable. The following is an example list of databases cataloged by SCP. Each of the titles is preceded by the phrase: Access Medicine The following is an example list of open access databases cataloged by SCP. Each of the titles is preceded by the phrase: Chinese language |
Cataloging ongoing: updated annually Formerly: Bepress $z De Gruyter (Bepress) ERMS: Berkeley Electronic Press Journals |
As of 2024: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD Formerly: All campuses
Whole content licensed. Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: |
De Gruyter Book Archive Cataloging completed (April 2020) $z De Gruyter |
All campuses |
Title hook: |
DOI Sample URL: |
(NOTE: Ejournals and encyclopedias now at T&F)
ERMS: Dekker encyclopedias
Digital Evans
(See: Early American Imprints)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Digitale Bibliothek deutscher Klassiker (via Chadwyck-Healey) Cataloging completed $z DBDK. |
All campuses
For title list, go to Digitale Bibliothek deutscher Klassiker, choose More information, then Table of contents. Title hook: |
PID URL construction: Sample URL: |
DigiZeitschriften Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z DigiZeitschriften. |
All campuses (open access titles only) |
Title list of open access titles Title hook: |
URL construction: Sample URL: |
DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books) Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z DOAB. |
All campuses (open access) |
The DOAB service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly monographs. View titles Title hook: |
BibPURL Sample URL: |
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) Cataloging ongoing: updated monthly $z Publisher’s Web site. Use subpackage name in $z if applicable (J-STAGE, PubMed, etc.) Some titles may have both free and licensed content: $3 Selected article text for v.1(2004)- is freely available. $z Publisher’s Web site … Some titles may require registration in order to access content: $z Publisher’s Web site; personal registration required. ERMS: Directory of Open Access Journals |
All campuses (open access) |
The DOAJ service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. To view list of titles. Title hooks: |
URL structures vary |
Dragonsource periodical web (龍源期刊网) Cataloging completed $z DragonSource. Restricted to UCLA, UCSB and UCSD |
Select titles licensed. Dragonsouce periodical web homepage 930 0_ DragonSource online journals. |
PID Sample URL: http://uc.vip.qikan.com.cn/Detailed.aspx?issn=1002-395Y&year=2011&periodnum=36&TypeId=1 http://uc.vip.qikan.com.cn/Detailed.aspx?issn=1005-2984&year=2010&periodnum=12&TypeId=1 |
Duke University Press Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z Duke via HighWire. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSDERMS: Duke University Press |
Duke University Press Title hooks: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Duke University Press online journals |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: URL construction: Sample URL: |
Duke University Press (monograph collections via DeGruyter/GOBI) Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly Alma collections: De Gruyter Duke University Press Archive eBook-Package 1964-1999 Collection ID 61558746350006531 De Gruyter Duke University Press Backlist eBook-Package 2000-2013 Collection ID 61558746390006531 De Gruyter Duke University Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 Collection ID 61556783450006531
All campuses |
Title hooks: 930 0_Duke University Press online monographs. Archive 930 0_Duke University Press online monographs. Backfile 930 0_Duke University Press online monographs |
Native URL/parser parameters Sample URL: https://www.degruyter.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=9781478027867 |
Early American fiction
(See: Literature online)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Early American Imprints I Cataloging completed $z Early American Imprints I. |
All campuses
Record set coming from Readex Title hook: |
PID Sample URL: |
Early American Imprints II Cataloging completed $z Early American Imprints II. |
All campuses
Title hook: 930 0_ Early American imprints online journals. Series II |
Early American Newspapers (via Readex/Newsbank)
(See: America’s historical newspapers(via Readex/Newsbank))
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
East View East African Newspapers Collection Cataloging irregular until finite |
Home page: https://gpa.eastview.com/crl/ean/ Title hook: 930 0_ East Africa online newspapers |
Native URL URL sample: https://gpa.eastview.com/crl/ean/newspapers/dlyn |
EBSCO (aggregator) Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z EBSCO. |
All campuses (Some titles may also be locally licensed) |
For licensed titles, search title hook in ROGER. Secondary choice. Use only if not available directly from publisher’s site. Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
EBSCO academic search complete Cataloging ongoing: updated monthly $3 Selected article text for … $z Academic search complete. ERMS: Academic Search Complete |
All campuses
Whole content licensed. Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
EBSCO. Art & architecture source Cataloging ongoing: updated monthly (formerly known as EBSCO. Art full text and later EBSCO. Art source) $3 Selected article text for … $z Art & architecture source. ERMS: Art & architecture source |
All campuses
Title hook: 930 0_ EBSCO. Art & architecture source online journals |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
EBSCO business source complete Cataloging ongoing: journals updated monthly, monographs updated annually (formerly known as: Ebsco business source premier) $3 Selected article text for … $z Business source complete.ERMS: Business source complete |
All campuses
Whole content licensed. Title hook (Journals): Title hook (Monographs): |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
EBSCO. CINAHL Complete Cataloging ongoing: updated monthly (formerly known as: CINAHL plus online journals) $3 CINAHL complete. Restricted to UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, and UCSF. Limited simultaneous user access for UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, and UCSF. Try again later if refused ERMS: CINAHL Plus with Full Text |
UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, and UCSF NOTE: UCI, UCLA, UCSD, and UCSF allow for 8 simultaneous users each.
Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
Cataloging ongoing: updated monthly $3 Selected article text for … $z Education source. ERMS: Education source |
All campuses
Title hook: 930 0_ EBSCO. Education source online journals |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
EBSCO. Japanese DDA Pilot Cataloging completed $z EBSCO |
Title hook: Pre-purchase: Post-purchase: |
Pre-purchase: Native URL Post-purchase: PID |
EBSCO. Library literature & information science Cataloging ongoing: journals updated annually; monographs updated irregularly Journals: Monographs: ERMS: Library Literature & Information Science Full Text |
Title hooks: 930 0_ EBSCO. Library literature & information science online journals 930 0_ EBSCO. Library literature & information science online monographs |
SFX OpenURL / PID Syntax:
Cataloging ongoing: updated monthly $3 Selected article text for … $z MasterFILE premier. ERMS: MasterFILE Premier |
All campuses
Whole content licensed. Title hook (Journals): |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
EBSCO newspaper source Cataloging ongoing: updated monthly $3 Selected article text for … $z Newspaper source. ERMS: Newspaper source |
All campuses
Whole content licensed. Title hook: |
PID URL construction: Sample URL: Sample URL: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nfh&jid=7UX&site=ehost-live No SFX target as of 09/30/08 |
EBSCO regional business news Cataloging ongoing: updated monthly $3 Selected article text for … $z Regional business news. ERMS: Regional Business News |
All campuses
Whole content licensed. Title hook (serials): |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Cataloging ongoing: updated annually $z EIU. |
Title hook for ejournals: |
PID or SFX OpenURL (see details below) 1. If there is an ISSN, use a SFX OpenURL: http://openurl.cdlib.org/?sid=SCP:SCP&genre=article&__char_set=utf8&issn=xxxx-xxxx 2. If there is no ISSN, use a PID: URL construction: Sample URL: |
Education Index (via EBSCO)
(See: EBSCO. Education full text)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
eHRAF collection of archaeology Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z eHRAF. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCL,A, UCM, UCR, UCSB, and UCSD |
Connect to the eHRAF collection of archaeology database Title hook: |
PID Sample URL: |
eHRAF world cultures Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z eHRAF. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD |
Connect to the eHRAF world cultures database Title hook: |
PID Sample URL: |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Electrochemical Society Cataloging completed $z Electrochemical Society |
All campuses
http://ecsdl.org/site/ecs/ecs_publications.xhtml Title hook: |
SFX OpenUrl |
Elsevier Ebooks Cataloging ongoing: updated monthly $z ScienceDirect |
2016- : UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSC, UCSD, and UCSF 2013-2015: All campuses Some Health Science collections licensed for varying years. See Package Details for specifics: 2021- : UCB, UCD, UCI, and UCSD 2019-2020 : UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, and UCSF
ScienceDirect ebooks homepage Title hooks: 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Biomedical engineering online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Biomedical science and medicine online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Chemical engineering online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Chemistry online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Clinical medicine online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Clinical medicine & surgery online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Computer science online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Earth and planetary sciences online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Energy online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Engineering online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Environmental science online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Finance online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Forensics and security online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Forensics, security, and criminal justice online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Health professions online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Immunology and microbiology online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Materials science online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Mathematics online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Neuroscience online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Pharmacology, toxicology and pharmaceutical science online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Physics and astronomy online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Plastics engineering hanser online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Psychology online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Social sciences online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Specialty medicine online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Specialty surgery online monographs 930 0_ Elsevier online monographs. Veterinary medicine online monographs |
PID Sample URL: |
Encyclopedia of Taiwan (台灣文獻叢刊) Cataloging completed (2011) $z Encyclopedia of Taiwan. ERMS: none |
All campuses
Encyclopedia of Taiwan homepage Title hook: |
PID URL construction: Sample URL: |
Endocrine Society journals online Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Endocrine Society via HighWire. |
All campuses (open access content only) |
Endocrine Society website Title hook: |
Sample URL: |
University of California eScholarship editions
(See: University of California Press e-books collection)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
eScholarship Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z eScholarship. |
All campuses (open access) |
Catalog all materials published by UC faculty and UC press. Title hook (journals): Title hook (monographs): Title hook (analyzed serials) 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. eScholarship analyzed serials |
URL construction: Sample URL: |
Ethnic Newswatch (via ProQuest) Cataloging ongoing: updated annually $3 Selected article text for .. $z Ethnic Newswatch. ERMS: Ethnic NewsWatch |
All campuses
Whole content licensed. Includes titles listed in “Ethnic Newswatch: a history” database. Complete list of journal titles. Under Database/Product enter “Ethnic NewsWatch” and click Search. Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: PID (NOTE: It is possible for overlapping titles in Ethnic Newswatch, GenderWatch, Info about ProQuest OpenURLs OpenURL for title with ISSN: Sample URL for title with ISSN: How to create OpenURLs for titles with no ISSN: Title (last resort): http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&res_id=xri:pqd& Sample URLs: Title: http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004& Prior to February 2004, we used one PID (one URL as a gateway) |
Expanded academic ASAP
(replaced by Ebsco academic search complete on July 1, 2008)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Factiva $3 1982- [Latest 2 months not available online]. $z Search this publication via the Factiva database. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, and UCSD ERMS: Factiva |
Link to Factiva database. Individual journal titles in Factiva are not cataloged Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: UCSD IP specific URL: |
Free or miscellaneous free ebooks Cataloging ongoing: added as discovered $z [Use package name as listed] Add $x UC open access after URL |
All campuses
Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries, Chinese language NOTE: qualify 930s for specific packages (Cambridge, DOAB, SpringerLink, &c.) if applicable. e.g., 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. DOAB online monographs The following is a list of all of the open access monographs cataloged by SCP. Each of the titles is preceded by the phrase: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries Biodiversity Heritage Library online monographs |
DOI (when possible), otherwise BibPURL |
Free or miscellaneous free ejournals Cataloging ongoing: added as discovered $z Publisher’s Web site. Use subpackage name in $z if applicable. For open access resources that require registration:
All campuses
Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries, Chinese language NOTE: qualify 930s with names for specific packages (DOAJ, J-Stage, PubMed Central, etc.) if applicable.e.g., The following is a list of all of the open access journals cataloged by SCP. Each of the titles is preceded by the phrase: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries AMA archives online journals Chronicling America historica American newspapers East View Middle Eastern and North African newspapers Getty Publications Virtual Library online journals |
Add $x UC open access after URL |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Gale Cataloging completed except as noted: journals updated irregularly, monographs updated quarterly $z Gale $z Burney Collection via Gale $z Contemporary women’s issues via Gale. $z ECCO via Gale $z Literature Resource Center via Gale $z Making of the modern world via Gale $z NCCO via Gale 19th century U.S. online newspapers Scribner writers Twayne’s authors Virtual reference library $z Women’s Studies Archives via Gale ERMS: Contemporary women’s issues (Gale) |
All campuses (except where noted) Contemporary women’s issues (UCB, UCLA, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, UCSD, and UCSF) Making of the Modern World
Title hooks: Journals: 930 0_ Gale. Contemporary women’s issues online journals 930 0_ Gale. Eighteenth century collections online journals 930 0_ Gale. Literature Resource Center online journals 930 0_ Gale. Making of the modern world online journals 930 0_ Gale. Nineteenth century collections online journals 930 0_ Gale. 19th century U.S. online newspapers Monographs: 930 0_ Gale. Eighteenth century collections online monographs 930 0_ Gale. Making of the modern world online monographs 930 0_ Gale. Nineteenth century collections online monographs 930 0_ Gale. Scribner writers online monographs 930 0_ Gale. Twayne’s authors online monographs 930 0_ Gale. Virtual reference library online monographs 930 0_ Gale. Women’s Studies Archive, Voice and Vision online monographs |
SFX Open URL / PID Syntax: Burney Collection: Eighteenth century collections online http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/ECCO?c=1&stp=Author&ste=11&af=BN&ae=T053957&tiPG=1&dd=0&dc=flc&docNum=CW100469386&vrsn=1.0&srchtp=a&d4=0.33&n=10&SU=0LRH T053957 is the ESTC* number We subscribe only to ECCO part 1. Title list for Part II only is available at: http://gdc.gale.com/products/eighteenth-century-collections-online/acquire/faqs/ –check for access questions Making of the modern world (1 PID for each campus): Nineteenth Century Collections Online: 19th century U.S. online newspapers: |
Gale World Scholar Cataloging completed (2012) $3 Use “Search within collection” to find title. $z World Scholar via Gale. ERMS: |
All campuses
Title hooks (monographs): 930 0_ Gale. Archives of Latin American and Caribbean History, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century online monographs (previously: Gale. Latin America & the Caribbean online monographs) 930 0_ Gale. Latin American and Iberian biographies online monographs 930 0_ Gale. Mexican and Central American political and social ephemera online monographs 930 0_ Gale. Selections from Sabin Americana, 1500-1926 online monographs Title hooks (journals): 930 0_ Gale. Mexican and Central American political and social ephemera online journals 930 0_ Gale. Selections from Sabin Americana, 1500-1926 online journals |
PID/SFX OpenURL Sample URL: As of 2024, use native URL: Sample URL: https://link.gale.com/apps/collection/3VHK/LACH?&sid=bookmark-LACH |
Gallica Cataloging ongoing; updated irregularly $z Gallica. |
All campuses
Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Gallica online journals |
Permanent URL (ARK) Sample URL: |
Cataloging ongoing: updated annually $3 Selected article text for .. $z GenderWatch. ERMS: GenderWatch |
All campuses
Whole content licensed. Complete list of journal titles. Under Database/Product enter “GenderWatch” and click Search. Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: PID (NOTE: It is possible for overlapping titles in Info about ProQuest OpenURLs OpenURL for title with ISSN: Sample URL for title with ISSN: How to create OpenURLs for titles with no ISSN: Title (last resort): http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004& Sample URLs: Title: http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004& Prior to February 2004, we used one PID (one PID as a gateway for all titles): |
Gerritsen Collection Cataloging finite
Home page: https://www.proquest.com/gerritsen Title hooks: 930 0_Gerritsen Women’s History Collection of Aletta H. Jacobs online journals 930 0_Gerritsen Women’s History Collection of Aletta H. Jacobs online monographs |
Native URL Sample URL journal: http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&res_dat=xri:pqm&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal&genre=journal&req_dat=xri:pqil:pq_clntid=14524&svc_dat=xri:pqil:context=title&rft_dat=xri:pqd:PMID=5400464 Sample URL monograph: http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&res_dat=xri:gerritsen&rft_dat=xri:gerritsen:bookrec:Gerritsen-G1585.4 |
Getty Publications Virtual Library Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z Getty Publications Virtual Library |
All campuses |
Title hook: 930 0_Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Getty Publications Virtual Library online journals note: there is only one journal title |
Native URL Sample URL: |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Harvard University Press Cataloging completed (May 2015) $z Harvard University Press. |
2014: UCB, UCD, UCLA, UCM, and UCSD 2013: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSF, UCSB, and UCSD 2012: UCB, UCD, UCLA, and UCSD 2011: UCB, UCD, UCLA |
Title hook: 930 0_ Harvard University Press online monographs |
DOI Sample URL: |
HathiTrust Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $3 HathiTrust Digital Library (Full-text viewing and searching may not be available) |
CDL and UCSD (open access)
Accept HathiTrust links in records. Resources/GuidesDo not add 930 title hooks.Do not add $x UC open access.If, after removing other resources, HathiTrust link is the only link present delete the record. |
Permanent URL (HathiTrust link) Sample URL: |
Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z HighWire. CDL: $z HighWire. Current 12 months may not be available at your campus; all other issues freely available. $z HighWire. Current 12 months and issues prior to 1998 may not be available at your campus $z HighWire. Issues older than 6 months (HTML) and current 12 months (PDF) freely available. $z HighWire. Current 12 months and issues older than 8 years may not be available at your campus; all other issues freely available. Local example: $z HighWire. No access to current 12 months; all other issues freely available. CZ update 5/3/2023: Highwire Press Free Collection ID: 61419440810006531 From ExL: the provider can’t support it any longer. Individual publishers whose titles are in the collection should have collections set up in the KB already, and many have their own OA/free lists. Publishers should also have their open access content listed in the DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals as appropriate. |
All campuses |
For licensed titles, search title hook in ROGER. (Current content and/or backfiles may be locally licensed) Complete journal list contains “new” icons. HighWire also has a What’s new notification service through email. Also includes a number of journals which are freely available before a certain specified time. Open access only HighWire journal list Title hook for open access: For selected CDL licensed HighWire titles, use: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
Hindawi Cataloging ongoing; updated irregularly $z Hindawi (See also: DOAJ) |
All campuses (open access titles only) |
Titles in DOAJ. Publisher title list. Title hook (licensed): Title hooks (open access): Open access titles may be double posted with: |
Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980 Cataloging finite
Licensed (all content) https://infoweb.newsbank.com/?db=EANX&d_collections=EANASP Title hook: 930 0_ Newsbank/Readex online newspapers. Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980 |
Native url http://infoweb.newsbank.com/?db=EANX&s_browseRef=decades/11C77239DFBAAAE9/all.xml Note: we are overlaying CZ records for this package |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
IARC publications. Book and report series Cataloging ongoing; updated irregularly IARC publications. Book and report series (Local-OA) |
All campuses (open access) |
https://publications.iarc.fr/Book-And-Report-Series/ Title hooks: 930 0_Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. IARC publications book and report series online journals 930 0_Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. IARC publications book and report series online monographs |
Native url Journal sample url: https://publications.iarc.fr/Book-And-Report-Series/Iarc-Biennial-Reports/IARC-Biennial-Report-2020-2021 Monograph sample url: https://publications.iarc.fr/Book-And-Report-Series/Iarc-Monographs-Supplements/Overall-Evaluations-Of-Carcinogenicity-An-Updating-Of-IARC-Monographs-Volumes-1%E2%80%9342-1987 |
ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) Cataloging ongoing; updated quarterly $z ICPSR. |
All campuses (Based on institutional subscriptions) |
Title hooks: 930 0_ CDL licensed databases. ICPSR online datasets |
DOI Sample URL: |
IEEE Smart Grid Research Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z IEEE Smart Grid Research. |
Title hook: 930 0_ IEEE Smart Grid Research online monographs |
Permanent URL URL construction: |
IEEE-Wiley ebooks Library Cataloging completed $z IEEE-Wiley via IEEE Xplore. |
All campuses
Licensed for all 2010 titles, plus the entire eBook backlist Title hook: |
Permanent URL URL construction: For more info, see: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/opac.jsp |
IEEE Xplore Cataloging ongoing: journals updated annually, conference proceedings updated weekly, standards updated annually, open access updated quarterly $z IEEE Xplore. ERMS: IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL) |
All campuses IBM journals: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSB, and UCSD |
Whole content licensed. Complete subscription to IEL package including conference proceedings and standards. Download Excel lists of conference proceedings Title hook: Title hook for conferences and colloquia: Title hook for standards: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. IEEE Xplore online journals |
SFX OpenURL (ejournals) Syntax: Permanent URL (emonographs) URL construction: For more info, see: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/opac.jsp Note: PIDs were used for journals cataloged prior to 2002, Sample URL: |
IET Digital Library Cataloging completed $z IET. |
2016-2017 : UCB, UCI, UCLA, and UCSD 2015 : UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, and UCSD 2014: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSB, and UCSD 2010-2013: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD 2007-2009: UCB, UCM 1979-2006: UCB |
Title hook: |
Permanent URL (DOI): Sample URL: https://doi.org/10.1049/PBCS004E |
Informa healthcare Cataloging complete (2007) $z Informa healthcare.ERMS: Informa Healthcare |
All campuses
Select titles licensed. Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: |
Institute of Physics Cataloging ongoing: journals updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions; monographs updated quarterly $z Institute of Physics. ERMS: Institute of Physics Archives |
All campuses
Titles are added selectively following a new title pricing model. All institutional rate subscriptions include online access to the current volume, plus a 10 year archive (where available). As a result, holdings in the SCP records will be updated annually. Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Institute of Physics online journals 930 0_ Institute of Physics online monographs |
SFX OpenURL (journals) Syntax: URL construction: Sample URLs: |
International Index to Black Periodicals Cataloging ongoing: updated annually $3 Selected article text for… $z IIBP. ERMS: International Index to Black Periodicals Full Text |
All campuses
Whole content licensed. To access title list, go to the database click on Title lists. Title hook: |
PID URL construction: Sample URL: (As of 07/13/07: There is no SFX target available for IIBP) |
IOS Press Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z IOS Press |
All campuses
Title hook: |
BibPURL (with $x UC open access) |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
J-DAC: Tokyo Army Military Proceedings on February 26 Incident: Part 2 Cataloging ongoing; updated irregularly $z J-DAC. |
All campuses |
(OCoLC)1191085192 Collection record [Part one of the Tokyo Army military hearings is part of the Political history of Japan Collection (Berkeley will be helping to catalog) both of these Title hook: 930 0_CDL licensed databases. J-DAC, Japan Digital Archives Center |
Native url |
J-STAGE Cataloging ongoing for open access journals; updated irregularly $z J-STAGE. For partial open access titles: CDL licensed and open access content: CDL open access only with moving wall: Local example for open access only with moving wall: |
All campuses
J-STAGE list of journals Only the archived issues of titles marked “partially free” can be freely viewed at J-Stage’s journal@rchive site. For titles that have free online access with print: Campuses should treat them as locally licensed ejournals if they own the print. If the print is not owned, online access requires a paid subscription. Title hook: If applicable, double post with: |
URL construction: Sample URL: |
JapanKnowledge Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z JapanKnowledge. Restricted to UC campuses. Limited simultaneous user access. Try again later if refused (All JapanKnowledge JKBooks (purchased) and Add-ons (subscription) will be tracked as databases at collection level) |
All campuses
List of collections: https://japanknowledge.com/en/contents/library.html Title hooks: Journals: Monographs: JKBooks and Add-ons: 930 0_ CDL licensed databases. JapanKnowledge
Use native url in record, most will be in these formats: $u http://japanknowledge.com/lib/display/?lid=800100693000000000 https://japanknowledge.com/lib/search/daikanwa/ |
Journals@OVID full text
(See: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
JSTOR Cataloging ongoing: journals updated quarterly; monographs updated quarterly; Ireland Collection updated annually $z JSTOR. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD ERMS: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II Collection JSTOR Arts and Sciences III Collection JSTOR Arts and Sciences IV Collection JSTOR Arts and Sciences V Collection JSTOR Arts and Sciences VI Collection JSTOR Arts and Sciences VII Collection JSTOR Arts and Sciences VIII Collection JSTOR Arts and Sciences IX Collection JSTOR Arts and Sciences X JSTOR Arts and Sciences XI JSTOR Arts and Sciences XII JSTOR Arts and Sciences XIII JSTOR Arts and Sciences XIV JSTOR Business II Collection JSTOR Ireland Collection JSTOR Jewish Studies JSTOR Life Sciences Collection |
All campuses NOTE: UCSF is licensed only for Arts & Sciences I, II, V, X, Business II, and Life Sciences (includes: Biological Sciences, and Health & General Sciences). NOTE 1/10/2022: UCSF no longer licensed for any JSTOR journals collections |
See JSTOR collections and titles licensed by the CDL. CDL is licensed for the following collections: Arts & Sciences I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII (formerly A&S Complement), and VIII, IX, X, Business II, Ecology & Botany, and Life Sciences (includes: Biological Sciences, and Health & General Sciences). Complete journal list. Click on ALPHABETICAL LIST OF JOURNALS. Journals title hook: 930 0_ JSTOR online journals. Ireland Collection 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. JSTOR online journals 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. JSTOR online monographs |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: URL construction: Sample URL: http://www.jstor.org/journals/14746913.html |
JSTOR 19th century British pamphlets Cataloging finite Alma Collection ID: 61554632440006531 |
Home page: https://www.jstor.org/site/primary-sources/19th-century-british-pamphlets Title hook: 930 0_JSTOR 19th century British pamphlets online monographs |
CZ linking Native URL example: https://www.jstor.org/site/primary-sources/19th-century-british-pamphlets/bristol-selected-pamphlets |
JSTOR DDA Pilot Cataloging ongoing: updated weekly $z JSTOR. |
Title hooks Post-purchase: For information re: JSTOR embargoes and other notes, please see Google sheet: |
DOI Example: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/j.ctt1fq9w0g |
JSTOR serial analytics Unless otherwise noted cataloging is ongoing: updated annually $z JSTOR. Restricted to UC campuses If UCSF not participating, use: Criminal science Fieldiana, anthropology Hesperia supplements Journal for research in mathematics education (Monograph) Journal of animal ecology NSF-CBMS regional conference series in probability and statistics Monographs of the Society for Research in Chind Development Population and development review Publications of the American Economic Association Publications of the Field Columbian Museum, anthropological series Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History, anthropological series Regional conference series in probability and statistics Yale French studies |
All campuses NOTE: UCSF is licensed only for Arts & Sciences I, II, V, Biological Sciences, Business II, and Health & General Sciences.
See JSTOR collections and titles licensed by the CDL. CDL is licensed for the following collections: Arts & Sciences I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII (formerly A&S Complement), and VIII , Biological Sciences, Business II, Ecology & Botany, Health & General Sciences. Monographs/analytics title hook: SCP cataloged monographic series/journal analytics: JSTOR online journals. Criminal science monographs online monographs (archive) JSTOR online journals. Fieldiana, Anthropology online monographs (7 year moving wall) JSTOR online journals. Hesperia supplements online monographs (3 year moving wall) JSTOR online journals. Journal for research in mathematics education (Monograph) online monographs (5 year moving wall) JSTOR online journals. Journal of animal ecology online monographs(5 year moving wall) JSTOR online journals. NSF-CBMS regional conference series in probability and statistics online monographs JSTOR online journals. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development online monographs (5 year moving wall) JSTOR online journals. Population and development review online monographs (2 year moving wall) JSTOR online journals. Publications of the American Economic Association online monographs (archive) JSTOR online journals. Publications of the Field Columbian Museum, Anthropological series online monographs JSTOR online journals. Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Anthropological series online monographs JSTOR online journals. Regional conference series in probability and statistics online monographs JSTOR online journals. Yale French studies online monographs (2 year moving wall) |
PID (monographs) Copy URL from JSTOR site, issue level.. Sample URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/i249214 |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Karger Cataloging ongoing: journals updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions, monographs updated quarterly $z Karger. ERMS: Karger online |
All campuses
Licensed for all content 1998-; added titles will be included as they appear Title hook: 930 0_ Karger online monographs 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Karger online journals |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Ebooks: |
KinoDen (Kinokuniya Digital Library)
Alma Collection: KinoDen (ID: 61507186110006531) Cataloging ongoing: irregular as purchased |
All campuses Licensed (select content) |
Title list: https://kinoden.kinokuniya.co.jp/ucalifornia/ Title hooks: 930 0_KinoDen online journals 930 0_KinoDen online monographs
Native URL Sample URL: https://kinoden.kinokuniya.co.jp/ucalifornia/bookdetail/p/KP00024234
(merged with Springer LINK in Jan. 2005)
(See: Springer Link)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Knovel Library Cataloging ongoing: journals updated annually, monographs updated monthly $z Knovel. Restricted to UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, and UCSD ERMS: Knovel Aerospace & Radar Technology Library Knovel Biochemistry, Biology & Biotechnology Library Knovel Ceramics & Ceramic Engineering Library Knovel Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Library Knovel Civil Engineering & Construction Materials Library Knovel Earth Sciences Library Knovel Electrical & Power Engineering Library Knovel Electronics & Semiconductors Library Knovel Environment & Environmental Engineering Library Knovel Food Science Library Knovel General Engineering & Engineering Management Library Knovel Industrial Engineering & Operations Management Library Knovel Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering Library Knovel Metals & Metallurgy Library Knovel Oil & Gas Engineering Library Knovel Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics & Toiletries Library Knovel Plastics & Rubber Library Knovel Safety & Industrial Hygiene Library Knovel Sustainable Energy & Development Library Knovel Textiles Library |
Journals: UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, and UCSD Monogrpahs: UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, and UCSD
Receive updates via EDX through OCLC Cataloging Partners program. Title hooks: 930 0_ Knovel Library online monographs |
PID Sample URL: |
Knowledge Unlatched Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Knowledge Unlatched via OAPEN |
All campuses (open access) |
Title list for 2013-14 pilot Title list for 2015-16 round 2 Title hook: |
BibPURL Sample URL: |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Late Qing dynasty periodical full-text database (1833-1911) Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z Late Qing dynasty periodical full-text database via CNBKSY. Restricted to UCI, UCLA, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD. Limited simultaneous user access. Try again later if refused ERMS: Late Qing dynasty periodical full-text database (1833-1911) |
Title hook: |
PID Sample URL: |
LexisNexis academic
(See: Nexis Uni)
Library literature and information science index full text (via EBSCO)
(See: EBSCO. Library literature & information science)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Latin American Anarchist and Labour Periodicals Online Cataloging complete $zLatin American Anarchist and Labour Periodicals Online Alma Collection ID: 61477668710006531
Home page: https://primarysources.brillonline.com/browse/latin-american-anarchist-periodicals Title hook: 930 0_Latin American anarchist and labour periodicals online journals
DOI Sample url: https://doi.org/10.1163/ejb9789004244900.LALP-Ar-141 |
Libros (Centro de Memoria Histórica (Colombia)) Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly Alma collection: Libros (Centro de Memoria Histórica (Colombia)) (Local-OA) |
Open access |
Home page: https://centrodememoriahistorica.gov.co/libros/ Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Libros (Centro de Memoria Histórica (Colombia)) online monographs |
Native URL Sample URL: https://centrodememoriahistorica.gov.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/medellin-memorias-de-una-guerra-urbana.pdf |
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions (NOTE: titles migrated to Journals@OVID full text in Jan. 2003) $z LWW via Journals@OVID. ERMS: |
All campuses
For licensed titles, search title hook in library OPAC. (Current content: 2000-; archive content -1999) To access list of journals, click on Journals A-Z at the top. Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: URL construction: Sample URL: |
Literature online (LION) via ProQuest Cataloging ongoing: journals updated annually Journals: Monographs: or $z LION. (e.g., Early American fiction) ERMS: Twentieth-Century Drama 20th Century American Poetry 20th Century English Poetry Literature Online (LION) |
All campuses
Whole content licensed. View a list of titles for Early American fiction. Title hook (Reference works): Title hook (Journals): Title hooks (Books and Databases): 930 0_ Literature online. American drama full-text database 930 0_ Literature online. American poetry full -text database 930 0_ Literature online. Canadian poetry 930 0_ Literature online. Database of twentieth century African-American poetry 930 0_ Literature online. Database of twentieth century American poetry 930 0_ Literature online. Early American fiction full-text database 930 0_ Literature online. Early English Prose Fiction Full-Text Database 930 0_ Literature online. Eighteenth century fiction full-text database 930 0_ Literature online. English poetry full-text database / twentieth century English poetry 930 0_ Literature online. English Poetry Full-Text Database 930 0_ Literature online. English poetry second edition 930 0_ Literature online. English prose drama full-text database 930 0_ Literature online. English Verse Drama Full-Text Database 930 0_ Literature online. Modern Poetry Full-Text Database 930 0_ Literature online. New essays on the American novel 930 0_ Literature online. Nineteenth century fiction full-text database 930 0_ Literature online. The Faber Poetry Library / Twentieth-Century English Poetry 930 0_ Literature online. Twentieth-Century Drama 930 0_ Literature online. Twentieth-Century English Poetry |
SFX OpenURL (ejournals) Syntax: URL construction: OpenURL for ejournal: PIDs (emonographs) OpenURL for emonograph: OpenURL construction for Early American fiction: Sample URL: |
Loeb Classical Library Cataloging updated semi-annually $z Loeb Classical Library |
Title hook: 930 0_ Loeb Classical Library online monographs |
PID Sample URL: |
Luminos Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z Luminos via University of California Press |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: |
DOI Sample URL: |
Lyell Collection (Geological Society of London) Cataloging ongoing: journals updated irregularly; monographs and analytics updated quarterly $z Geological Society of London. ERMS: Lyell Collection (Tier 2) |
Title hook (journals): Title hook (monographs): Title hooks (analytics): 930 0_ Lyell Collection online journals. Memoir (Geological Society of London) online monographs 930 0_ Lyell Collection online journals. Engineering geology special publications online monographs |
Sample URLs: Journal http://jgs.lyellcollection.org or http://jgs.lyellcollection.org/content/by/yearMonograph/analytic http://sp.lyellcollection.org/content/473/1 |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Making of America Cataloging complete (2010) $z MOA. |
All campuses (open access) |
Search for titles in the MOA database Title hooks: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Making of America online monographs
BibPURL (ejournals) PID (emonographs) URL construction for MOA books: Sample URL: |
Maruzen DDA Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Maruzen eBook Library. ERMS: Maruzen eBook Library |
All campuses (UCSF has free access) September 2022 update: Per Toshie Marra, have merged both the Maruzen DDA purchased and the Reference collections together into the Alma collection: Maruzen eBook Library Purchased (Maruzen eBook Library) |
Title hook: |
PID Sample URL: |
Maruzen Reference Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Maruzen eBook Library. Limited simultaneous user access. Try again later if refused. |
All campuses (UCSF has free access) September 2022 update: Per Toshie Marra, have merged both the Maruzen DDA purchased and the Reference collections together into the Alma collection: Maruzen eBook Library Purchased (Maruzen eBook Library) |
Title hook: |
PID Sample URL: |
Mary Ann Liebert Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z Liebert Online. ERMS: Mary Ann Liebert Online |
2024: UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, and UCSF 2018-2023 : UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, and UCSF 2010-2017: UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSD, and UCSF Archive (-2009): All campuses |
Journals home page Title hooks: 930 0_ Mary Ann Liebert online journals. Archive 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Mary Ann Liebert online journals |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: URL construction: Sample URL: |
Materials Research Society Online Proceedings Library (MRS OPL) Cataloging completed (2015) $z Materials Research Society. ERMS: Materials Research Society Journals |
Title hook (Journals): Title hook (Monographs): |
PID URL construction: Sample URL: |
Materials Science & Engineering Database (via ProQuest) Cataloging ongoing: journals updated annually; monographs updated irregularly $z Materials science & engineering database. |
All campuses
Title hooks: 930 0_ Materials science & engineering database online monographs |
PID / SFX OpenURL Example (Journals) Example (eMonographs): |
MetPublications Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z Metropolitan Museum of Art Publications. |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: |
Permalink (e.g., Handle, ARK, permanent links, etc.) Some content hosted at YouTube, or Google, or the Met itself. URLs for these will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Sample URL: |
Middle Eastern and North Africa Newspapers Program Premium
Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly Alma Collection ID: 61555236110006531 Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers Open Access Alma Collection ID 61477946500006531
https://gpa.eastview.com/crl/mena/?a=p&p=home&e=——-en-25–1–img-txIN———- (does not identify between OA and premium) Title hooks: 930 0_ Middle Eastern and North African newspapers (Premium) online newspapers 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Middle Eastern and North African online newspapers |
Sample native URL |
Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Publisher’s Web site. ERMS: Single Journals |
All campuses (one-time titles) |
Individually selected ejournals and emonographs, not part of a larger package. Title hooks: 930 0_ Miscellaneous UC subscription online journals 930 0_ Miscellaneous UC subscription online journals, Chinese language 930 0_ Miscellaneous UC subscription online monographs 930 0_ Miscellaneous UC subscription online monographs, Chinese language |
For ejournals: SFX OpenURL Syntax: For emonographs: PID |
Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z MIT. (current content only, i.e., open holdings) $z MIT via IngentaConnect. (backfiles only, i.e., pre-2006) ERMS: MIT Press Journals |
All campuses
This is a selective ejournal package licensed directly with the publisher, MIT Press. For licensed titles, search title hook in ROGER. Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. MIT Press online journals |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: URL construction: Sample URL: URLs for backfiles (static content): |
MIT Press Direct Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z MIT Press Direct (If available from multiple sources, select The MIT Press Direct). Open access: |
All campuses
Title discovery Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. MIT Press Direct online monographs |
DOI Sample DOI: |
MIT Press eBooks Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z MIT Press via IEEE Xplore. |
Title hook:
Permalink Sample URL: |
Modern newspaper in China, 1840-1949. 中国历史文献总库. 近代报纸数据库 One-time purchase: cataloging completed (January 2021) $z Modern newspaper in China, 1840-1949. ERMS: 中国历史文献总库. 近代报纸数据库
Title hook: |
PID Sample URL: |
Momentum Press Cataloging completed $z Momentum Press. |
2014: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSB, and UCSD 2012: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM , UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSF -2011 (Archive): All campuses |
Title hook: 930 0_ Momentum Press online monographs |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: |
Unless otherwise noted cataloging is ongoing: journals updated irregularly, monographs updated quarterly $z Morgan & Claypool. ERMS: Synthesis Collection Two Synthesis Collection Three Synthesis Collection Four Synthesis Collection Five Synthesis Collection Six Synthesis Collection Seven Synthesis Collection Eight Synthesis Collection Nine Synthesis Collection Ten —– Colloquium digital library of life sciences: Collection 1 Colloquium digital library of life sciences: Collection 2 Colloquium digital library of life sciences: Collection 3 Colloquium digital library of life sciences: Collection 4 |
Participants vary by collection: Synthesis Collection 1-5: All campuses Synthesis Collection 6: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSC, and UCSD Synthesis Collection 7: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSC, UCSD, and UCSF Synthesis Collection 8: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSC, UCSD, and UCSF Synthesis Collection 9: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, and UCSD Synthesis Collection 10: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, and UCSD —– Life Sciences Colloquium 1: All campuses Life Sciences Colloquium 2: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSB, UCSC, UCSD, and UCSF Life Sciences Colloquium 3: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSD, and UCSF Life Sciences Colloquium 4: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, and UCSF
Title hooks (emonographs): 930 0_ Morgan & Claypool online monographs. Synthesis Collection 2 930 0_ Morgan & Claypool online monographs. Synthesis Collection 3 930 0_ Morgan & Claypool online monographs. Synthesis Collection 4 930 0_ Morgan & Claypool online monographs. Synthesis Collection 5 930 0_ Morgan & Claypool online monographs. Synthesis Collection 6 930 0_ Morgan & Claypool online monographs. Synthesis Collection 7 930 0_ Morgan & Claypool online monographs. Synthesis Collection 8 930 0_ Morgan & Claypool online monographs. Synthesis Collection 9 930 0_ Morgan & Claypool online monographs. Synthesis Collection 10 —– 930 0_ Morgan & Claypool online monographs. Life Sciences Colloquium 1 930 0_ Morgan & Claypool online monographs. Life Sciences Colloquium 2 930 0_ Morgan & Claypool online monographs. Life Sciences Colloquium 3 930 0_ Morgan & Claypool online monographs. Life Sciences Colloquium 4 Title hook (ejournals): |
DOI or PID Permanent URL (DOIs) (eBooks) |
Museum of Modern Art Exhibition Project Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z Museum of Modern Art |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: |
BibPURL Sample URL: |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
National Academies Press Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z National Academies Press. |
All campuses
National Academies Press website (An OCLC WorldShare collection) Title hook |
Native URL/DOI Sample URL: |
National Research Council (Canada) Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z NRC. ERMS: NRC Research Press Backfiles |
All campuses
Select titles licensed. Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
Nature Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z Nature Publishing. For partial open access titles: CDL licensed and open access content: CDL open access only with moving wall: Local example for open access only with moving wall: ERMS: Nature Journals Online Nature Research Journals Archive Collection |
All campuses
Select titles licensed. No perpetual access. Nature Publishing Group homepage Title hooks: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Nature Publishing Group online journals |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
Naxos music library Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z Listen online via Naxos Music Library. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD |
Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL http://openurl.cdlib.org?sid=SCP:SCP&genre=article&pid=%3Cnaxos%3E7143%3C%2Fnaxos%3E Bolded portion is the cid= number; may or may not be preceded by letter(s) and include dashes, etc. |
Naxos music library jazz Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z Listen online via Naxos Music Library Jazz. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCLA, UCM, UCSB, and UCSD |
Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL http://openurl.cdlib.org?sid=SCP:SCP&genre=article&pid=%3Cnaxos%3Ejazz7143%3C%2Fnaxos%3E Bolded portion is the cid= number; may or may not be preceded by letter(s) and include dashes, etc. The addition of the word jazz before the cid number is specific to Naxos jazz titles only. |
NBER papers Cataloging ongoing: updated semi-annually $z NBER. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD |
This is not a CDL licensed resource, but is cataloged for all campuses except UCSF
Whole series cataloged. Database of papers & technical papers: 930 0_ NBER online monographs. Working papers |
DOI or PID (Partial redirect) Example: https://doi.org/10.3386/w21130Syntax: http://uclibs.org/PID/20782/w[number] http://www.nber.org/papers/w[number] http://www.nber.org/papers/t[number]Sample URL: http://uclibs.org/PID/20782/w12345 http://uclibs.org/PID/20782/t0272 |
Cataloging ongoing: journals updated annually, monographs updated annually $3 Selected article text for [year]- $z Nexis Uni ERMS: |
All campuses
Whole content licensed. Title hook (journals): Title hook (monographs): |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: URL construction: Go to Nexis Uni and under the wording “Or let us help you find it”, click the “A Publication” box. Enter your title in the “Find publication” box and click “search”. See the URL at the top and scroll to the right to find the Nexis Uni Source ID (It will start with “MT….”): URL syntax: Sample URL: |
(See: Access world news)
Nineteenth Century Collections Online
(See: Gale)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
North-China Daily News & Herald Newspapers and Hong Lists (1850-1951) (字林洋行中英文报纸全文数据库) Cataloging ongoing: updated bimonthly $z North-China Daily News & Herald via CNBKSY. Restricted to UCI, UCLA, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD. Limited simultaneous user access. Try again later if refused ERMS: North-China Daily News & Herald Newspapers and Hong Lists (1850-1951) (字林洋行中英文报纸全文数据库) |
Title hook: |
PID Sample URL: |
Now Publishers journals Cataloging ongoing: updated annually $z Now. |
UCB, UCI, UCLA, and UCSD (Open access: All campuses)
Title hooks: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Now online journals |
SFX OpenUrl / BibPURL (with $x UC open access) Syntax: Sample URL: http://www.nowpublishers.com/journals/Foundations%20and%20Trends%C2%AE%20in%20Accounting/7 |
Numdam Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Numdam. |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Numdam online journals |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
OAPEN Library Cataloging ongoing: updated semi-annually $z OAPEN. |
All campuses (open access) |
The OAPEN Library contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences. Title hook: |
BibPURL / Handle Sample URLs: |
OECD iLibrary Cataloging ongoing: journals updated annually, monographs updated semi-annually $z OECD iLibrary. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD ERMS: OECD iLibrary |
All campuses SCP will continue to distribute records to all participating campuses. UCI and UCSD will also be receiving IEA stats/databases. |
OECD iLibrary homepage Title hooks: 930 0_ OECD iLibrary online monographs |
SFX OpenURL (ejournals) Syntax: URL construction for serials: Sample URL: DOI (emonographs) URL construction for books (export a list of easy links): Sample URL: |
Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative (OSCI) catalogues Not analyzed, cataloged only at the database level
All campuses (open access) |
930 0_CDL open access databases. Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative https://www.getty.edu/foundation/initiatives/past/osci/osci_brower_catalogues.html Not analyzed, cataloged only at the database level |
Native URL Sample URL: https://publications.artic.edu/renoir/reader/paintingsanddrawings/section/138973 |
Open access
(See: Free or miscellaneous free ejournals)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Open Book Publishers Cataloging ongoing; updated quarterly $z Open Book Publishers |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: |
DOI Sample URL: |
Open Indiana Cataloging finite
All campuses (open access) |
Home page: https://publish.iupress.indiana.edu/projects/project-collection/open-indiana Title hook: Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Open Indiana online monographs |
Native URL Sample URL: https://publish.iupress.indiana.edu/projects/the-hidden-life-of-polish-prisons |
Open Library of Humanities Cataloging ongoing; updated quarterly $z Open Library of Humanities. |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: |
BibPURL Sample URL: |
Open Textbook Library Cataloging ongoing; updated quarterly $z Open Textbook Library |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hooks: 930 0_ CDL open access databases. Open Textbook Library |
BibPURL Sample URL: |
OpenEdition Cataloging ongoing; updated irregularly $z OpenEdition |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: May be double posted with: |
BibPURL Sample URL: |
Optical Society of America (Optics infobase) Cataloging ongoing: journals irregularly; monographs updated quarterly $z Optics infobase. ERMS: OpticsInfoBase |
All campuses
Whole journal content licensed (9 titles) Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Optics Infobase online journals 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Optics Infobase online monographs |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: Sample monograph URL: |
O’Reilly for Higher Education Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z O’Reilly. Restricted to UC campuses; authentication may be required ERMS: O’Reilly Safari Learning Platform: Academic edition |
All campuses |
Title hooks: 930 0_ O’Reilly online videos 930 0_ O’Reilly online audio |
PID Sample URL: |
OVID (aka: Journals@OVID full text)
(See: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Oxford Handbooks Cataloging ongoing; updated quarterly $z Oxford. ERMS: Oxford Handbooks Online Literature |
All campuses
Oxford Handbooks MARC records Title hook: |
DOI Sample URL: |
Oxford Scholarship Online Cataloging ongoing; updated monthly (via Gobi) Collection ID: 61533592440006531
All campuses for 2023 |
Homepage: https://oxford.universitypressscholarship.com/ There are ERT notes for this on the Added Content: Gobi ebook collections for 2023 page. Title hook: 930 0_ Oxford Scholarship online monographs |
DOI Sample URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780192864734.001.0001 |
Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z Oxford. $z Oxford via MetaPress. $z Oxford. Current 12 months may not be available at your campus; issues prior to Jan. 1996 restricted to UC campuses; all other issues freely available (For more $z wording examples, see: HighWire Press) ERMS: Oxford Journals Archive |
All campuses UCSD (select titles, usually ones that were dropped by CDL) Current titles licensed to 1996-. Some archives (pre-1996 content) now licensed. NOTE: JNCI monographs are cataloged as a serial and *not* analyzed for CDL. |
For licensed titles, search title hook in ROGER. Free with print sub. Tickler file maintained. Complete journal list Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Oxford online journals |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: OpenURL: Sample URL: For those titles at the MetaPress platform: |
Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z Oxford reference. Restricted to UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD. Limited simultaneous user access. Try again later if refused ERMS: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD) Oxford English Dictionary Oxford Islamic Studies Oxford Language Dictionaries Online Oxford Reference Online: Literature Oxford Reference Online: Premium Oxford Reference Online: Western Civilization |
Premium collection: UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD
Complete book list NOTE: The Premium package includes Core titles. LBNL: single user UCB: 15 simultaneous users UCI, UCLA, UCM, and UCSC have 5 simultaneous users UCSD and UCSB have 10 simultaneous users UCR: 1 user No simultaneous user limit for ANB and OED Title hook:
DOI or PID Sample URL: DOI example: |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Periodicals Archive Online Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly 856 $z Periodicals Archive Online. (formerly PCI full text) ERMS: PAO – Periodicals Archive Online (Full Subscription) |
All campuses
Licensed by segments. Browse list of digitized titles Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
Persee Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Persee. ERMS: PERSEE – Portail de revues scientifiques en sciences humaines et sociales |
All campuses
Persee journal title list Title hook: If applicable, double-post with: |
Portico Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z Portico. ERMS: Portico (Triggered Content) |
All campuses
Portico website See which publishers are participating in Portico Title hooks: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Portico online journals |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: |
Post-Perestroika newspapers Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly Alma Collection ID: 61506815840006531 |
Collection home page: : https://gpa.eastview.com/crl/ppn/ Title hook: 930 0_ Post-Perestroika online newspapers |
Native URL Sample URL: https://gpa.eastview.com/crl/ppn/newspapers/krty |
Project MUSE Cataloging ongoing: journals updated annually; monographs updated quarterly $z Project MUSE. ERMS: Project MUSE – premium collection |
Journals: Monographs: Open access: all campuses |
Whole journal content licensed. Complete journal list Mirror site: http://muse.uq.edu.au Title hooks: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Project MUSE online journals 930 0_ Project MUSE online monographs 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Project MUSE online monographs |
SFX OpenURL/Native URL Syntax (journals): URL construction: Sample URLs: http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/mpq |
Project MUSE serial analytics Cataloging ongoing: updated monthly $z Project MUSE. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD |
Whole content licensed. Monographs/journal analytics title hook: 930 0_ Project MUSE online journals. [name of journal] online monographs |
SFX OpenURL Syntax (monographs): |
See individual packages (930s are established directly under package names):
- African writer series
- American periodicals series
- Black studies center online resources
- Digitale Bibliothek deutscher Klassiker
- Early English Books Online
- Gerritsen Collection
- International index to black periodicals online journals
- Literature online
- Music Periodicals Database
- Performing Arts Periodicals Database
- Periodicals archive online journals
- ProQuest House of Commons Parliamentary papers (Parly Papers)
- ProQuest Information and Learning Company online newspapers
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
ProQuest historical newspapers Cataloging complete (March 2018) $z ProQuest historical newspapers ERMS: ProQuest Selectable Full Text Newspapers |
All campuses
(Some content may also be locally licensed) Title hook:
SFX OpenURL/PID Syntax: Perm URL (ProQuest perl script) Sample URL: |
ProQuest historical newspapers (Access & Build Plan) Cataloging ongoing: updated annually Note: Do not confuse this collection with the pre-Alma (cataloging completed) ProQuest historical newspapers collection or the ProQuest historical newspapers (Pilot)
All campuses |
Title hooks
Unpurchased: 930 0_ CDL EBA databases. ProQuest historical newspapers
Purchased: 930 0_ CDL licensed databases. ProQuest historical newspapers
Sample URL: https://www.proquest.com/hnphartfordcourant/publicationbrowse/Main/false/advanced |
ProQuest historical newspapers (Pilot) Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z ProQuest ERMS: ProQuest historical newspapers (PQHN) |
All campuses |
Title hook:
PID Sample URL: |
ProQuest history vault (Access & Build Plan) Cataloging ongoing: updated annually Old ERMS (pre Alma name): History Vault (HV) pilot EBA |
All campuses |
Title hook Unpurchased: Purchased: 930 0_CDL licensed databases. ProQuest history vault |
Sample URLs: https://www.proquest.com/hvblackfreedomfed1 |
ProQuest House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Cataloging complete (April 2018) $z ProQuest ERMS: House of Commons Parliamentary Papers |
All campuses
Title hook: 930 0_ ProQuest U.K. parliamentary papers. House of Commons papers 1801-1900 online monographs |
Permalink Sample URL: |
ProQuest Music Periodicals Database Cataloging ongoing: updated annually $z Music periodicals database. ERMS: Music Periodicals Database |
All campuses
Whole content licensed. To access title list, go to the database click on Title lists. Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: |
ProQuest Performing Arts Periodicals Database Cataloging ongoing: updated annually $z Performing arts periodicals database. ERMS: Performing Arts Periodicals Database |
All campuses
Whole content licensed. To access title list, go to the database click on Title lists. Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: |
ProQuest US major dailies Cataloging complete (March 2018) $z ProQuest US major dailies |
All campuses
Title hook: |
PID Sample URL: |
PsycARTICLES Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z PsycARTICLES. ERMS: APA PsycArticles |
All campuses
Whole content licensed. To access title list, click here and then choose”browse.” Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: |
Psychiatry Online Cataloging ongoing: journals updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions, monographs updated quarterly $z Psychiatry online ERMS: Psychiatry Online |
Title hooks: 930 0_ Psychiatry online monographs |
PID (use DOIs if available) Sample URLs: |
PubMed Central Cataloging ongoing; updated irregularly $z PubMed Central. For partial open access titles: CDL: $z PubMed Central. Current 12 months may not be available at your campus; all other issues freely available. Local example: |
All campuses (open access titles only) |
Title hook: May be double-post with: |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Redalyc Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Redalyc. |
All campuses (open access, part of DOAJ) |
Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Redalyc online journals and 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. DOAJ online journals |
Reveal Digital. Documenting white supremacies and its opponents in the 1920s Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly ERMS: Reveal digital: hate in America (latest title has not shown up yet in ERMS as of 1/4/2022) There is no CZ collection for this but there is one for Independent voices and it begins “Reveal Digital”) |
All campuses |
NOTE: Currently this is licensed content but will become open access when fully digitized. Title hooks: |
Native URL Sample URL: |
Reveal Digital. Independent Voices Cataloging completed (June 2020) $3 Selected article text for … $z Independent voices. |
All campuses
Title hook:
BibPURL / PID Sample URL: |
Revistas Científicas Complutenses Cataloging ongoing: updated annually $z Revistas científicas complutenses |
All campuses
Current title list: Title hook: May be double posted with: |
BibPURL Sample URL: |
Revues.org Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Revues.org |
All campuses (open access, part of DOAJ) |
Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Revues.org online journals |
Royal Society (Great Britain) via HighWire Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z Royal Society via HighWire. ERMS: Royal Society |
All campuses
Select titles licensed. Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: URL construction: |
Royal Society of Chemistry Cataloging ongoing: journals updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions, monographs updated quarterly $z Royal Society of Chemistry. ERMS: Royal Society of Chemistry Journals Archive |
Journals: Monographs: 1968-2012: All campuses |
Select titles licensed. RSC Journals Homepage Title hook: 930 0_ Royal Society of Chemistry online journals. RSC eBook collection 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Royal Society of Chemistry online journals RSC Ebooks Homepage Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL / DOI Syntax: URL construction: Sample URL: URL info 05/2005 DOI for ebooks: |
Royal Society of New Zealand Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z RSNZ |
All campuses (open access titles, part of DOAJ) |
Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource selected by the UC Libraries. Royal Society of New Zealand online journals |
URL contruction: |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Sabin Americana, 1500-1926 Cataloging complete (July 2019) $z Sabin Americana via Gale. ERMS: Sabin Americana, 1500-1926 |
All campuses
Title hooks: 930 0_ Gale. Sabin Americana, 1500-1926 online monographs |
PID Sample URL: |
Sabinet Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Sabinet |
All campuses (open access, part of DOAJ) |
Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Sabinet online journals |
SAE International
Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly Alma Collection ID 61556076370006531 (SAE ebooks 2023-2024) |
2023-2024 UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, and UCSD |
Title hook: 930 0_SAE international online monographs |
DOI Sample DOI: https://doi.org/10.4271/9781468605761 |
Sage Publications Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z Sage. ERMS: |
All campuses
NOTE: CDL is licensed for selective Sage content from 1999- Browse SAGE titles here Title hook: 930 0_ Open access resource selected by the UC Libraries. Sage online journals |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: URL construction: Sample URL: |
Sage Research Methods Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z Sage Research Methods. ERMS: |
All campuses
Research Methods homepage Title hook: 930 0_ Sage Research Methods. Books & reference collection online videos 930 0_ Sage Research Methods. Books & reference collection online audio 930 0_ Sage Research Methods. Cases online monographs 930 0_ Sage Research Methods online datasets |
PID Sample URL: |
Cataloging ongoing: journals updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z ScienceDirect. $z Freedom Collection via ScienceDirect. $z ScienceDirect [for open access titles] ScienceDirect perpetual content (as of 03/26/09, prior to cataloging of the Freedom Collection) ERMS: ScienceDirect Journals ScienceDirect [subject collection] Supplement 1,2 ScienceDirect [subject collection] Backfile |
All campuses
Journal content licensed: For licensed titles, search title hook in ROGER. See subscribed or non-subscribed Title lists or download title lists apreadsheet. Changes to journals are kept at this ScienceDirect support website. UC staff only (requires authorization): List of journals to which CDL has access. Title hook (journals): 930 0_ ScienceDirect online journals. Freedom collection 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. ScienceDirect online journals |
SFX OpenURL (ejournals) Syntax: URL construction (Journals): Sample URL: PID (emonographs) URL construction: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/handbooks/[ISBN, no hyphen] Sample URL: |
ScienceDirect serial analytics and monographs Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z ScienceDirect. |
All campuses (Tier 1 and Tier 2) Monographs (reference works): UCSD CDL (Tier 2) select titles licensed only |
Title hooks (monographs): Title hooks (analytics): 930 0_ ScienceDirect online journals. Handbooks in economics online monographs |
PID (emonographs) URL construction: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/handbooks/[ISBN, no hyphen] Sample URL: For Methods in enzymology, use this PID for all titles: http://uclibs.org/PID/61958 |
Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) Brazil and Chile Cataloging ongoing: journals updated irregularly $z Scielo. |
All campuses (open access, part of DOAJ) |
SciELO Brazil list of titles Title hooks (use both): |
URL construction: Sample URL: |
Scottish History Society publications Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z National Library of Scotland |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: |
Persistant URL Sample URL: |
(See Early American Imprints)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Sixth national population census of China database. (中国人口普查数据库. 第六(2010年). Cataloging complete (2014) $z Sixth national population census via CNKI. ERMS: China2010 NationalCensus (Note: for 2020 census, see entry above for China 2020 National Census) |
Hosted under the parent database. Chinese site: 中国人口普查数据库. To view only the UC-subscribed contents, click on the upper left corner tab, “普查年份” and then select “第六次(2010年).” English site: National population census of China. To view only the UC-subscribed contents, click on the upper left corner tab, “Type” and then select “2010 Census of Population.” Title hooks: |
PID Native URL construction: Sample native URL: |
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Cataloging ongoing: journals updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions; eBooks updated quarterly $z SIAM. ERMS: LOCUS – SIAM’s Online Journal Archive |
2015- : UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD -2014: All campuses
SIAM Journals homepage Title hooks: 930 0_ SIAM online monographs Title hook for archives: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: Sample URL for archives (Locus): Permanent URL (DOIs) (eBooks) |
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum catalogs Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum via Internet Archive |
All campuses (open access)
Collection title list: Title hook: |
Persistent URL (with $x UC open access) Sample URL: |
SORA (Searchable Ornithological Research Archive) Cataloging ongoing: journals updated irregularly $z SORA. |
All campuses (open access only) |
SORA Searchable Ornithological Research Archive Titles usually overlap with BioOne Title hook: |
URL construction: Sample URL: |
SPIE Digital Library Cataloging ongoing: conference proceedings updated quarterly, journals updated annually, eBooks updated quarterly $z SPIE. ERMS: SPIE Digital Library |
All campuses
Proceedings of SPIE (homepage) Title hooks: 930 0_ SPIE digital library online journals 930 0_ SPIE eBooks online monographs |
SFX OpenURL (ejournals) Syntax: URL construction for ejournals: Grab homepage URLs from here PID (emonographs) URL construction for proceedings: http://link.spie.org/PSISDG/Volume#/Issue# Permanent URL (DOIs) (eBooks) |
SpringerLink Cataloging ongoing: journals updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions, eBook collection updated irregularly $z SpringerLink. ERMS: SpringerLink Contemporary (1997 – Present) |
All campuses Current content: 1997- Backfiles: -1996 1997- (former Kluwer titles) |
Select titles licensed. Title hook: Title hook (ebooks in the SpringerLink eBook collection cataloged as serials): 930 0_ SpringerLink online journals. Springer Protocols |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: OpenURL construction for ejournals: |
Cataloging ongoing: English/International collection updated monthly; Protocols updated quarterly; German collection updated semi-annually $z SpringerLink. |
All campuses (except for Springer Protocols) Springer Protocols 2012 : UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, and UCSF 1980-2011: All campuses
English/International Collection Title hook (journals): Title hooks (monographs): (As of 2024 using the CZ collection for these without 930 title hooks) 2021-2023: 930 0_SpringerLink online monographs Prior to 2021: 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Architecture and design monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Behavioral science monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Behavioral science and psychology monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Biomedical and life sciences monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Business and economics monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Business and management monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Chemistry and materials science monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Computer science monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Earth and environmental science monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Economics and finance monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Education monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Energy monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Engineering monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. History monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Humanities, social sciences and law monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Intelligent technologies and robotics monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Law and criminology monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Literature, cultural and media studies monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Mathematics and statistics monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Medicine monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Physics and astronomy monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Political science and international studies monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Professional and applied computing monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Religion and philosophy monographs 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Social sciences monographs ———————————– Springer Protocols ———————————– German Collection Title hooks (monographs): (As of 2024 using the CZ collection for these without 930 title hooks) 2021-2023: 930 0_SpringerLink online monographs (German) Prior to 2021: 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Computer science and engineering monographs (German) 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Humanities and social sciences monographs (German) 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Humanities, social sciences and law monographs (German) 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. J.B. Metzler Humanities monographs (German) 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Life science and basic disciplines monographs (German) 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Medicine monographs (German) 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Psychology monographs (German) 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Social science and law monographs (German) 930 0_ SpringerLink online monographs. Education and social work monographs (German) |
DOI DOI URL construction for ebooks: If DOI does not work, use the OpenURL construction and put it behind a PID: Sample OpenURL: |
SpringerLink Open Access Cataloging ongoing: updated semi-annually $z SpringerLink. |
All campuses
Title hook (journals): Title hook (monographs): |
DOI Sample URL for open access ebook: |
State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan Cataloging ongoing: updated annually $z State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: |
BibPURL Sample URL: |
State Public Historical Library (Russia) AKA Gosudarstvennai︠a︡ publichnai︠a︡ istoricheskai︠a︡ biblioteka (Russia) Cataloging completed (November 2018) $z State Public Historical Library (Russia) |
All campuses
Title hook: |
BibPURL Sample URL for open access ebook: |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
Taiwan electronic periodical services (TEPS) Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z Taiwan electronic periodical services. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, and UCSD |
Journal publisher, title, and table of contents Title hook: |
PID URL construction: Sample URL: |
Cataloging ongoing: journals updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions; monographs updated quarterly $z Taylor & Francis ERMS: Taylor & Francis Online |
All campuses
Licensed for content from 1997-; does not include any new titles added in 2007 NOTE: CDL’s Dekker license for ejournals was not renewed in 2005. Ejournals moved to the MetaPress platform, as of March 2005 and then to T&F via informaworld in Jan. 2007) Title hooks: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Taylor & Francis online monographs |
SFX OpenURL (journals) Syntax:
DOI / Native URL (monographs) Sample URLs: |
Taylor & Francis encyclopedias Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly (formerly: Dekker online encyclopedias) $z Taylor & Francis. |
Participating campuses vary by title. Check with Adriana Moran for specifics)
Title hook: |
Thieme ejournals (part of the Thieme Electronic Book Library, includes database Science of Synthesis (may have different participants) Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z Thieme. ERMS: Thieme-Connect Backfiles |
All campuses Science of Synthesis (Alma Collection ID 61403081440006531): UCD, UCI, UCM, UCLA, UCSB, UCSC, UCSD, and UCSF
4 titles licensed Thieme Electronic Book Library Home page Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: |
Thieme Electronic Book Library Cataloging ongoing: journals updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions; monographs updated quarterly $z Thieme. Restricted to UCD, UCI, UCLA, and UCSF ERMS: Thieme ElectronicBook Library Alma Collection Name: Thieme MedOne education Collection ID: 61403084270006531 |
Thieme Electronic Book Library Home page (Flexibook Atlases & Textbooks; also includes 4 journals) Title hook: 930 0_ Thieme. MedOne Education online monographs |
PID Sample URL: |
Trans Tech Journals Cataloging ongoing: journals updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions; monographs updated quarterly $z Trans Tech Publications via Scientific.Net. NOTE: Diffusion and Defect Data, Parts A & B appear online with the titles ‘Defect and Diffusion Forum’ and ‘Solid State Phenomena’, respectively. |
Trans Tech home page Title hook (journals): Title hooks (analytics): 930 0_ Trans Tech Publications online journals. Advanced materials research online monographs 930 0_ Trans Tech Publications online journals. Advances in science and technology online monographs 930 0_ Trans Tech Publications online journals. Applied mechanics and materials online monographs 930 0_ Trans Tech Publications online journals. Diffusion and defect data 930 0_ Trans Tech Publications online journals. Diffusion and defect data Pt. A Defect and diffusion forum online monographs 930 0_ Trans Tech Publications online journals. Diffusion and defect data Pt. B Solid state phenomena 930 0_ Trans Tech Publications online journals. Journal of metastable and nanocrystalline materials online monographs 930 0_ Trans Tech Publications online journals. Key engineering materials online monographs 930 0_ Trans Tech Publications online journals. Materials science forum online monographs |
DOI Sample URL: |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
UC image service collections Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly (CDL databases) |
All campuses (some open access) |
Access the UC Image Service Collections Title hooks: 930 0_ CDL licensed databases. UC image service collections or 930 0_ CDL open access databases. UC image service collections |
PID One PID for all databases: |
Udndata Cataloging completed $3 Selected article text for … $z Udndata. Restricted to UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSB, and UCSD ERMS: Udndata-United Daily News |
Udndata homepage Selected article text Title hook: |
PID Sample URL: http://udndata.com/library/ |
University of California Press eBooks (1928- ) Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z University of California Press via De Gruyter. |
All campuses |
Title hooks: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. University of California Press online monographs |
PID / DOI Sample URLs: |
University of California Press e-books collection Cataloging ongoing: updated semi-annually (formerly eScolarship editions) $z University of California Press. |
All campuses (some open access, some restricted to UC) |
Whole content licensed. UC Press E-Books Collection website Title hook: |
Perm URL URL construction: Sample URL: |
University of California Press online journals Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z University of California Press ERMS: University of California Press Journals |
All campuses
930 0_ University of California Press online journals |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
University of Chicago Oriental Institute publications Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly Collection name: University of Chicago Oriental Institute publications (Local-OA) |
All campuses Open access |
Title list: https://oi.uchicago.edu/research/publications/oriental-institute-publications-oip 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. University of Chicago Oriental Institute publications online monographs |
Native URL Sample URL: https://oi.uchicago.edu/research/pubs/catalog/oip/oip122.html |
University of Chicago Press Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions $z University of Chicago Press. ERMS:University of Chicago Press Journals |
Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: Sample URL: |
University of Michigan Press Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z University of Michigan Press |
All campuses |
Home page title list Title hook: |
DOI / Permalink Sample URLs: |
U.S. Congressional Serial Set (via Readex/Newsbank) $z Congressional serial set. |
All campuses |
Search database Title hook: |
U.S. Documents Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly |
All campuses (open access) |
U.S. documents are not part of the SCP at this time! However, 856 links with GPO PURLs are distributed with SCP records (most notably, Expanded Academic ASAP titles) if they exist. Title hook (journals and maps): Title hook (monographs and maps): Title hook (databases): Title hook (analytics): |
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
WAC Clearinghouse Cataloging ongoing: updated semi-annually $z WAC. |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: |
PID NOTE: Using a PID instead of a BibPURL because while the content in open access, it requires an institutional membership agreement for access. Okay to also use the “Restricted to UC campuses” in conjunction with the “$x UC open access” note. |
Wildenstein Plattner Institute publications Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z Wildenstein Plattner Institute. |
All campuses (open access) |
Title hook: |
PID Sample URL: |
Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions (As of April 2010, includes Blackwell-Synergy and Wiley InterScience) $z Wiley-Blackwell. |
All campuses
For licensed titles, search title hook in ROGER. Title hook: |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: |
Cataloging ongoing: updated as notified by CDL Acquisitions (As of July 2008, incorporated Blackwell-Synergy. In April 2010, became Wiley Blackwell) $z Wiley Online Library. ERMS: Wiley InterScience Analytical Sciences Backfiles Wiley InterScience Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English Backfile Wiley InterScience Biotechnology, Biochemistry, and Biophysics Backfile Collection Wiley InterScience Cell and Developmental Biology Backfiles Wiley InterScience Chemistry Backfile Collection Wiley InterScience Genetics and Evolution Backfiles Wiley InterScience Journal of Pathology Backfiles Wiley InterScience Journals Wiley InterScience Materials Science Backfile Collection Wiley InterScience Neuroscience Backfile Collection Wiley InterScience Numerical Engineering Backfile Collection Wiley InterScience Physics and Astronomy Backfiles Wiley InterScience Polymer Backfile Collection |
All campuses
UC staff only (requires authorization): List of journals to which CDL has access. (Some backfiles may be locally licensed) Title hook (journals): NOTE: Wiley-Interscience online journals is no longer used. Title hook (databases): |
SFX OpenURL Syntax: URL construction: Sample URL: |
Wiley InterScience monographs Cataloging ongoing: updated annually $z Wiley Online Library. ERMS: Wiley InterScience Current Protocols |
All campuses e-EROS: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD and UCSF. Current protocols in bioinformatics: UCB,UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF, and UCSC |
List of Current protocols online Title hook (monographs): Title hook (analytics): 930 0_ Wiley-Blackwell online journals. Behavioral sciences & the law online monographs 930 0_ Wiley-Blackwell online journals. Financial markets, institutions & instruments online monographs |
PID URL construction: Sample URL: URL construction for Current Protocols: URL construction for analytics (OpenURL): |
Cataloging ongoing: updated monthly $z Wiley Online Library. |
All campuses
Content for 2014- includes titles formerly published by American Geophysical Union Title hook: 930 0_ Wiley online monographs |
PID for now Soon: https://doi.org/10.1002/[ISBN} |
World Bank e-library Cataloging ongoing: journals updated annually; monographs updated quarterly $z World Bank. ERMS: |
Licensed content:UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, and UCSD Open access content: all campuses
CDL has a license for the World Bank e-library content (UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, and UCSD), but some of the content is freely available at the World Bank site, a different portal than the World Bank e-library portal. Title hook (monographs): Open access titles are double-posted with the following two hooks: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. World Bank online monographs Title hook (journals): |
World Bank e-library. Policy Research Working Papers Cataloging ongoing: updated quarterly $z World Bank |
World Bank working papers home Title hook: |
DOI http://elibrary.worldbank.org/content/workingpaper/10.1596/1813-9450-4167 where 1813-9450 is the ISSN for the working papers series and the no. at the end is the WP#. |
World Bank Open Knowledge Repository Cataloging ongoing: updated irregularly $z World Bank |
All campuses
Title hooks: 930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. World Bank Open Knowledge Repository online monographs |
Persistent URL Example: http://hdl.handle.net/10986/8962 |
Wright American Fiction
(See: Literature online)
Package Name, Cataloging Frequency, and 856$z | Participants* | Package Details | Type of URL used for OPAC Linking |
YBP/Ebrary (via ProQuest Ebook Central) Cataloging completed (April 2016) (formerly YBP/Ebrary DDA pilot) $z YBP/Ebrary via ProQuest. |
Title hook: 930 0_ ProQuest. YBP/Ebrary online monographs |
SFX OpenURL http://openurl.cdlib.org?sid=SCP:DDA&genre=book&pid=%3Cebrary%3E########%3C%2Febrary%3E Sample Ebrary URL: |
*When a publisher subscription package is proposed, Adriana Moran (UCSD Acquisitions) polls the campuses to find out what they have in current subscriptions. She then pulls together a list of all campus holdings and submits this to the CDL librarians who will do the negotiating. Publisher-specific information can be found on the Collections page which also includes the latest information on the status of products being negotiated. CDL INFO notifies the campuses on a regular basis about new titles (or title changes).