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The Dryad team has worked over the past year to understand what features are required to best support the research community’s ever-evolving needs. We are proud to announce the launch of our new Dryad platform and we are excited to […]
NOTE: The following new resources are not yet in the CDL Directory of Collections and Services; they will be added within the next 2 weeks. You can access them directly from the URLs provided. a. AP Photo Archive AP Photo […]
As you know, the CDL has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to determine if the Melvyl Union Catalog and CDL-hosted Databases can be moved from their aging technology infrastructure to a commercial vendor’s system [see CDLINFO February 14, 2000, […]
a. Planning for the New Melvyl: Good News on the Personal Author Front One of the many features that distinguish Melvyl as a catalog with extraordinarily sophisticated power is that users can look for personal authors and retrieve the pertinent […]
On August 6th and 7th a two-day California Cultures workshop was held at the UCLA Library. Project managers and staff representing UC campus divisions (special collections and oral history units) participating in the California Cultures project, along with staff from […]
By Julia Gelfand (UC Irvine), Resource Liaison From February 17 through March 31, the UC libraries will trial the 12 encyclopedias currently published by Marcel Dekker for a potential Tier 2 acquisition on a title-by-title basis: Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food […]
a. CDL Reorganization The CDL recently reorganized in order to implement the vision that emerged from CDL’s Senior Management 2006 strategic planning process, which defined a revised mission and values statement (below), as well as chose and defined the boundaries […]
By Beth Weil (UC Berkeley), Web of Science Resource Liaison UC has just obtained access to the Biosis backfile (Biosis Archive) which comprehensively covers the biological sciences literature from 1926-1968. The current Biosis file has covered the data from 1969-present. […]
The UC Libraries Collection Development Committee (CDC) has appointed collection liaisons for UC Shared Images – one from each campus, to facilitate collection building in ARTstor.