CDL by the Numbers
- 100,000,000 dollars
saved annually by Shared Collections - 25,000,000 unique identifiers
minted by EZID - 3,920,469 volumes
digitized by Mass Digitization - 2,142,650 digital primary resources
aggregated by Calisphere - 463,258 interlibrary loan requests
using the Resource Sharing Service - 475,000+ publications
deposited in eScholarship - 40+ million physical items, plus digital collections
available through UC Library Search - 60,351 archival collection guides
stored in OAC - 18,512 data management plans
created in DMP Tool - 8,470 web pages
supported by Web Production team - 1,395 user questions
answered in 2023 by Information Services - 5,547 participants
interviewed by the UX Team - 250 virtual systems
managed by the Infrastructure Team - 466 terabytes
in Merritt - 94 journals
published in eScholarship
1 California Digital Library serving the power and promise of all 10 UC campuses