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DMPTool Service Update: March 2014

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities Development continues at a fast pace, and we’re on track to release the new version in May. We’re currently testing with users and fixing bugs. We’re planning to work with the UC Berkeley WebAccess […]

DMPTool Service Update: April 2014

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities We’re very close to launching the new version of the DMPTool – May 19 for administrators and May 29 for all users! A schedule of the upcoming releases and changes to the DMPTool are […]

DMPTool Service Update: May 2014

      Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities Launch! We launched the new version of the DMPTool (at, first to institutional administrators on May 19, and then to the general public on May 29. In case you missed all […]

DMPTool Service Update: June 2014

    Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities The transition to the new version of the tool has gone very smoothly. We’ve found and fixed a few bugs (and are still working on a couple of them), but for the most […]

DMPTool Service Update: July 2014

    Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities Usage continues to increase. The new version of the DMPTool continues to get a lot of use. Since launch, 75 institutions have customized the DMPTool for their researchers. For the second month in […]

Merritt Service Update: July 2014

    Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities SDSC update. We have successfully resolved all the issues with the storage node at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) Cloud Storage service, and are now sending all newly submitted content to SDSC. […]

Identifier Wild Card! Introducing Suffix Pass-through

Earlier this year, the ARK resolver software was upgraded in some important ways, most of which were technical enhancements that improve performance and/or lay the groundwork for interesting things to come. One change we can now make available is an […]

WAS Service Update: August 2014

Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities WAS User Group Meeting. The WAS User Group meeting was held during the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting (SAA 2014). The meeting was open to all conference attendees for a discussion to explore web […]

DMPTool Service Update: August – September 2014

    Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities Usage. We continue to get new users — over 300 (approximately) new users each month — as well as new partner institutions (those who configure their ‘single sign-on’ or add customizations). There are […]

DMPTool Service Update: October 2014

    Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities Usage. We had the highest number of new users and created plans in a single month in October. There were 472 new users in October, and 500 new plans were created. We now […]