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WorldCat Discovery: Public Notes from LHRs display with item information

The WorldCat Discovery installation on October 17, 2019 included the following new enhancement.

The running list of release notes can be found at (Note: Not all of the enhancements/bug fixes are relevant to the UC Melvyl instances.)

New features and enhancements

Public Notes from Local Holdings Records will display alongside item information in WorldCat Discovery.  As a direct result of user feedback, OCLC improved the display of public notes from local holding records 852 subfield z fields to more efficiently communicate information about individual item holdings to users. This will help users understand which individual item they may or may not want to request. In addition to helping individuals within an institution, this information will also be visible to users of group catalogs. In non-group catalogs the summary of all item notes will continue to display.


Example of public note display in Group catalogs after Check Holdings button has been selected.

Prior to this release, public notes would only display in the holdings summary portion of availability displays in WorldCat Discovery suggesting that the note applied to all of the items in a library collection.