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eScholarship Quarterly Reports – A Fascinating Snapshot

By Justin Gonder, eScholarship Operations Coordinator

Each quarter, the CDL sends a report to each campus Scholarly Communication Officer (SCO) with information about that campus’s use of eScholarship as well as total usage systemwide.  Instead of sending the reports out in email form this quarter, CDL Publishing & Access staff has converted them to an online form that will be much easier for us to generate in the future and will be easier (we hope) for campus constituents to share with colleagues.

Want to know which campus has a publication that was viewed more than 11,000 times—and what it is?   Or which campus has added 13 new journals or academic units in eScholarship?  Check out the reports below.

The reports contain data about the eScholarship activity for each campus and Lawrence Berkeley Lab during the previous reporting period, including:

  • The top ten most frequently read publications
  • New journals, units and series established in eScholarship by your faculty/students
  • Total number of your campus eScholarship publications

We have also provided the following data to offer a more holistic view of eScholarship activity systemwide:

  • The most popular paper, by campus
  • Total number of eScholarship publications, by campus

Finally, you can view a downloadable activity report detailing the full breadth of eScholarship publications from your campus, organized by academic unit and journal, as of the end of Q4 2012. Usage metrics for these units and journals are provided in the report, including:

  • Total number of items posted per month
  • Total historical requests for these publications
  • Percentage of online views that led to publication downloads

All of the reports can be viewed below:


UCB: (

UCD: (

UCI: (


UCM: (

UCR: (





Please let us know if you have any suggestions for future revisions.  We would also be interested in hearing how your campus uses these reports and if you receive any feedback about them from your constituencies.  Please send your ideas to